Vol. 5, Issue 5, May 31, 2018
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
In this week's edition: Mental Health issues cost Canada billions, Attend Supporting Healthy Minds at Work on June 8th; Redreach.ca is a new job search service for students.
How are you dealing with mental health in your workplace?
A poll by Ipsos Reid in 2013 indicated that nearly half of working Canadians believe that their work and place of work is the most stressful part of their day and life.

With people spending around 60% of their waking hours at work, employers need to understand the pressures on their staff and take actions before mental illness affects their company's bottomline.

Lost productivity from "presenteeism" rather than from "absenteeism" is already costing Canadian businesses an estimated $15-25 billion dollars per year.

The total costs associated with mental illness in the workplace were estimated at $51 billion in Canada in 2003.

With these details in mind, it's important for managers and others to dispel the stigma surrounding mental illness in the workplace.

If you want to be proactive in helping your company's productivity and your employees and colleagues please join WPH at Supporting Healthy Minds at Work.
Last chance to attend Supporting Healthy Minds at Work: A Forum for Employers and Service Providers, June 8/18

There are still a few seats available for this important professional development event for employment service providers and employers.

Supporting Healthy Minds at Work: A Forum for Employers and Service Providers on June 8th will provide you with practical tips and resources to help clients and colleagues who may have mental health issues.

Nick Petrella, a Mohawk College professor and mental health advocate will deliver a keynote address, "From mentally ill to mental illness advocate: A discussion around how understanding mental health will help create a safe working environment."

The event also includes a workshop and time for networking and visiting displays featuring information from a variety of local mental health services.

A list of mental health resources for service providers and employers will be available for attendees.

Cost is $20 per person.

RedReach.ca: A job-board exclusively for youth employment
McMaster University and local post-secondary students have created a new site that allows youth to search, match with, and apply for jobs online in their community. 

Employers and organizations can post jobs and search through hundreds of local youth resumes, making the employment process fast and easy.

RedReach.ca is Ontario's first online job-board specifically for youth employment. RedReach.ca only posts jobs that are intended for high school, college, and university student experience levels.

Free to use for both employers and youth, the site allows youth to search and match with local jobs based on their current skill level and age. 

Employers can post their jobs and find the best youth employee to fill their position through an automated matching system.

RedReach is an official partner with McMaster University, The Forge Business Incubator, and Ontario Youth.

If you're an employer and are looking for new youth employees, get started today at RedReach.ca  

Please share the site with high school and post-secondary school students who are looking for suitable employment.
Labour Force Information, Hamilton - April 2018
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| [email protected] | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca