McMaster University and local post-secondary students have created a new site that allows youth to search, match with, and apply for jobs online in their community.
Employers and organizations can post jobs and search through hundreds of local youth resumes, making the employment process fast and easy. is Ontario's first online job-board specifically for youth employment. only posts jobs that are intended for high school, college, and university student experience levels.
Free to use for both employers and youth, the site allows youth to search and match with local jobs based on their current skill level and age.
Employers can post their jobs and find the best youth employee to fill their position through an automated matching system.
RedReach is an official partner with McMaster University, The Forge Business Incubator, and Ontario Youth.
If you're an employer and are looking for new youth employees, get started today at
Please share the site with high school and post-secondary school students who are looking for suitable employment.