Priscilla Otani Visual Art

February 20, 2023
WIP is short-hand for "works in progress." I am usually juggling several art pieces at once for upcoming exhibitions, an ongoing or new series, collaborative art projects, and Fall Open Studio. I keep a WIP notebook because it helps me document techniques, materials and concepts and I can see the progression from idea to finished work. The banner for this month is a mock-up for a piece based on Alice in Wonderland. It will go through many transformations before the final work is exhibited this summer. The collages on the left are almost finished. I will be making many more kitsune-themed works this year and will soon have kitsune WIPs all over my studio.
My work from the "Louche Life" series was selected for the Women Artists Show at Live Worms Gallery in North Beach. I am delighted to participate in a group exhibition with local artists celebrating International Women's Day & Women's History Month. If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area I hope to see you at the opening reception on Friday, February 24 from 6:00-9:00 PM.

Live Worms Gallery, 1345 Grant Ave, San Francisco. Exhibition runs from February 24 - March 12.
I participated in the 12th annual Postal Collage Project hosted by the Roundtable Collaboration in Berkeley. The organizer divided players into groups of five and each of us created, mailed and altered collages in the round. When one participates in a collaborative project like this one never knows how the original work will be altered by others. It is dangerous to fall in love with your first pass and you have to be open-minded and ruthless when you get your piece back. I sat on the returned collage for more than a month before transforming it into a commentary about contemporary neighborhood interactions.

You can view my piece and many other collages at the "Postal Collage Project No. 12" exhibit, Berkeley Art Center, 1275 Walnut Street, Berkeley May 13 - 21.

To learn more about Postal Collage and to participate in a future round, go here:
I just updated my website! Please visit
Priscilla Otani | PO Box 31083, San Francisco, CA 94131 | | 415.606.7059