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Welcome to the Spring/Summer edition of Worksite Wellness, a quarterly newsletter brought to you by Working Well Tobacco Free New Jersey.

Encourage your employees to sign up for our FREE Summer Wellness Challenge (see below for more details!)


Please share your feedback, wellness tips, and resources to be included in future editions via email.


15 Top Tips To Create A Happy Workplace And Boost Employee Engagement in 2022

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Mind-blowing fact: The happier your employees, the more successful your company. Happy employees are more creative, innovative and dedicated than their unhappy counterparts. And, they’re more likely to stick around long-term. A simple “Thank You” can go a long way! 

Here are 15 tips to create a happy workplace for your employees:

  1. Nurture workplace appreciation with Empuls, a platform to express appreciation 
  2. Host engaging team building events 
  3. Show you care with Caroo, a platform to send employees gifts
  4. Create a happier workplace with shared laughter 
  5. Greet your team
  6. Deliver praise and recognition often
  7. Make work fulfilling
  8. Make work/life balance a priority
  9. Encourage workplace wellness
  10. Hire happy personalities 
  11. Refrain from micromanaging
  12. Launch an individual development plan
  13. Use feedback as a mini-mentoring tool
  14. Get out of your work routine
  15. Have meaningful conversations with team members

Read more in detail here

5 Workplace Tips for Mental Health

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Here are five ways you can support your employees that could make a big impact on their mental health.

  1. Create a safe space for mental awareness conversations.
  2. Offer a Mental Health coaching platform to your employees. 
  3. Create a Mental Health time off policy. Offering employees the opportunity to decompress and not feel obligated to come to work when their mental health is an issue is just as important as allowing time off for physical health.
  4. Normalize conversations around mental well being. According to Forbes, Gen Z and Gen Y are more tuned to their mental health needs than previous generations. Unfortunately, Gen X and Boomer Generational workers participated in years of workplaces where it was taboo to say that you were not OK. Luckily, the stigma of mental awareness and mental health being perceived as a weakness are in the past. It is important for companies to recognize this, and add mental well being solutions to their employee benefits packages.
  5. Add Mental Health Support Benefits boldly into wellness packages for your employees. In addition to Wellness Coaching, you can offer Counseling services, free access to meditation apps, grief counseling, and other EAP offerings.


Beach Safety Tips for Summer 2022

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Water safety is an important part of every summer and while some choose to swim in a pool, others prefer the ocean. One of the most popular things to do at the beach is jumping in the ocean and getting wet, but with over 70,000 rescues in 2019, you may want to consider a few things before jumping in:

  1. Swimming in the ocean can be much more challenging, especially if you’re not a strong swimmer to begin with. Taking swim classes ahead of your beach trip can be a big help as the best way to prevent drowning is learning how to swim.
  2. Keep an eye on the signs. Look out for signs labeling ocean conditions and flags showing where it is safe for you to swim. Red flags stand for dangerous conditions, yellow for mild, and green for safe or low hazard conditions. If you’re ever unsure, just check in with the nearest local lifeguard for more info.
  3. Rip current safety. Rip currents are powerful channels of water that flow out to sea. They can be identified by choppy-looking water, with a movement of foam or other objects moving outward. They are one of the leading causes of ocean drownings as they are accountable for 80% of beach rescues. If you find yourself caught in a rip current, make sure you relax and don’t swim against the current. You may be able to escape by following the current and exiting to the side, but it’s always best to signal for help as well.
  4. Sea life. The last thing to keep in mind is any sea animals you may come into contact with as you go for a swim. With an average of 1,500 injuries related to stingrays reported every year, it’s a good idea to at least be aware. It’s recommended to shuffle your feet when walking in the ocean to move sand around showing any sea animals that you’re there, that way everyone walks (or swims) away happily.

Read the full article

Get Playfulness Right And You Can Rest Easy Tonight 

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It’s almost accepted that we’re in an era where ‘busy’ is good and the more we ‘do’ the better we’ll be valued. And yet it’s led to burn-out, increasing instances of poor mental health, and heightened stress that has impacted our health.

There’s a practice from our childhoods that as adults we've abandoned quickly, that has the ability to so powerful in creating our health and well-being.

Qualities all children have is their level of playfulness, fun, and spontaneity. Ask any parent of toddlers and they will tell you with certainty that they have had to become more creative and ‘relearn’ how to play.

And perhaps the toddlers are onto something. In Gifts of Imperfection, ‘cultivating play’ is one of Brene Brown’s key guideposts to living a wholehearted life. That is, for living a successful, happy and healthy life.

Brene says that if we want that kind of life we have to “become intentional about cultivating sleep and play, and about letting go of exhaustion as a status symbol”.

She refers to psychiatrist, clinical researcher and founder of the National Institute for Play, Dr. Stuart Brown’s work in this area. He says that, "Play helps us deal with difficulties, provides a sense of expansiveness, promotes mastery of our craft, and is an essential part of the creative process. Most important, true play that comes from our own inner needs and desires is the only path to finding lasting joy and satisfaction in our work. In the long run, work does not work without play."

And there are other studies that support this principle. Some even showing that adults who are more playful have lower levels of stress.

Both Brene Brown and Dr. Stuart Brown agree that play is a basic human need and as essential to our health and well-being as rest.

So, how does the average busy, stressed out professional start to engage in more play?

Read more here

Summer Wellness Challenge

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Working Well Tobacco Free is offering a free Summer Wellness Challenge for your employees!

The challenge will run through the Summer and will be based on an honor system.

For every employee that participates, Working Well will provide free incentives and prizes.

Sign up here if your business would like to

participate in the Summer Wellness Challenge.

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Sign up to receive our FREE toolkit!
By offering programs, improving physical surroundings and implementing health-minded policies, a workplace can improve the health of their employees and lower indirect costs like absenteeism.
Help your employees quit tobacco
Become tobacco free with FREE help from the New Jersey Quitline. The Quitline has 30 years of experience of providing behavior change support and helps over 1,000 lives per day. 
Worksite Wellness quarterly newsletter is brought to you by Working Well Tobacco Free NJ - a statewide initiative designed to support business owners and human resource managers to create a healthier workplace for their staff and increase employee retention and attendance. For more information contact [email protected] or call 908-747-1153.
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