SARA is hosting another one of a kind t-shirt Fundraiser! This time for World Animal Reiki Day!!
Beginning TODAY, SARA is opening a special t-shirt fundraiser to celebrate World Animal Reiki Day!
These shirts will be produced by Bonfire, the company that we used for SARA's one-of-a-kind Tame the Beast and Unleash the Peace shirts! We were so impressed with the quality and service from Bonfire that we wanted to partner with them again on another special T-Shirt!
This design will be available in purple in the following styles: a unisex tee, ladies tee, youth tee, long sleeved tee and a hoodie!
Our goal is to sell 50 t-shirts! Please help us to meet our goal by sharing our campaign with your friends, family, and other animal Reiki practitioners. This new design is a fun way to support SARA and also let people know about World Animal Reiki Day!
To order your shirt, please visit our campaign today!!
This fundraiser will end on January 6th and after that date you will no longer be able to purchase this special t-shirt! This is a one of a kind t-shirt that you won't want to miss out on!!