Reflecting on last month's World Hepatitis Day
This year's World Hepatitis Day, which honors Dr. Baruch Blumberg’s birthday, sparked a resounding call worldwide to eliminate hepatitis B. Thank you for joining the hepatitis B community's global efforts to raise awareness and build support for our cause.
The Hepatitis B Foundation teamed up with Arbutus Biopharma, which is working on hepatitis B treatments, to host an inspirational event for the company's employees and, online, our broader community. They heard from, and spoke with, three of our #justB storytellers: Jason, Wendy and David. We shared it globally via Facebook Live; you can watch the recording here.
From left, Foundation President Dr. Chari Cohen, Jason, Arbutus CEO Dr. William Collier, David, Arbutus founder Dr. Michael Sofia, Wendy and Rhea Racho, who leads the #justB Storytelling program for the Foundation.
New video: "We need to do more to attain hepatitis B elimination."
In a Healio video exclusive, Chari A. Cohen, DrPH, MPH, president of the Hepatitis B Foundation, and Jeff Baxter, president and CEO of VBI Vaccines, shared insights on the latest efforts in HBV treatment and prevention.
“Hepatitis B is an underprioritized and underappreciated disease around the world,” Dr. Cohen said.
You can find the video here.
Report from Washington D.C.: Language we requested was included in the FY 2023 House and Senate Appropriation Report
The Hepatitis B Foundation’s policy team spends considerable time and effort each year to increase federal prioritization and advocate for funding for hepatitis B and liver cancer research and public health programming.
We conduct over 50 visits with legislators and leaders at the Department of Health and Human Services, including the National Institutes of Health. We also write and submit language to legislators, and advocate for them to support the inclusion of this language, in the House and Senate Appropriation Reports.
These efforts are necessary to ensure that hepatitis B, hepatitis D and liver cancer are prioritized, and are critical to ensuring progress towards viral hepatitis elimination efforts.
Read the full report here.
International HBV Meeting registration deadline approaching
This annual gathering, which is organized by the Hepatitis B Foundation, is the world's primary meeting of hepatitis B researchers. The registration deadline is fast approaching. Please register before Aug. 26.
This year's meeting will take place in person in Paris Sept. 18-22 and online.
Thomas Tu, PhD, honored for his research
Thomas Tu, PhD, a member of the Hepatitis B Foundation's
Emerging Scholars Scientific and Medical Advisory Board and one of the most influential advocates who are living with hepatitis B, has won a top award for his research.
Dr. Tu is among three scientists at the University of Sydney this year to be awarded the Young Tall Poppy Award from the Australian Institute of Policy and Science.
Run4TeamHepB Runners Spotlight:
The Foundation's own Catherine Freeland!
We’re thrilled to share that our Run4TeamHepB is out there training and training for the TCS New York City Marathon taking place on Nov. 6, 2022! Over the coming weeks, we’ll be highlighting each one of our dedicated runners so you can meet the team and join them raising awareness and funds for those living with Hep B.
Feel free to share these posts to help get the word out!
First up…meet Catherine!
Who: Catherine Freeland
What: An avid runner who by day works at the Hepatitis B Foundation and by night laces up her sneaks to train and continue to raise awareness.
Where: Resides in Philadelphia
When: Nov. 6 will mark Catherine’s 6th marathon
Why: Catherine says "I am running the NYC marathon for the amazing and inspirational people living with hepatitis B, especially the #justB storytellers who inspire me to work at the Hepatitis B Foundation every day!" We say, "Catherine you are amazing and we’re lucky to have you as part of our team--both in the office and on the road!"
For more info and to help Catherine reach her goal, please go here.
New "B Heppy" podcast: What is hepatitis delta?
What is hepatitis delta? What does it mean for people living with hepatitis B? In this episode, B Heppy chats with Robert G. Gish, MD, to discuss what hepatitis
delta is, how it is related to hepatitis B, how to manage it, and what future treatment options look like. If you want to know more about hepatitis delta, please visit Hep Delta Connect. You also can learn more about our guest, Dr. Gish here.
You can find the podcast episodes here or anywhere you get your podcasts.
AND, if you'd like to suggest a topic for B Heppy, please send an email to
Strategic plan for NIH research to cure hepatitis B 2022 update is released with comments from the Hepatitis B Foundation
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Hepatitis B Cure Strategic Plan Working Group released an update in July.
As part of the report they included an analysis of public comments, including those given by the Hepatitis B Foundation. Topics of the comments included barriers to linkage to care, coordination with community partners, and exploring the possibility of an Undetectable = Untransmittable approach for hepatitis B.
Read the full report here.
Frank Hood, MS, is the Hepatitis B Foundation's new associate director of policy and partnerships. He had been working in viral hepatitis policy and advocacy with the AIDS Institute since 2016.
Anousha Qureshi, who interned with us before graduating from Cabrini University last spring, has joined the Foundation as program coordinator, public health.
#justB Mindful: Wendy YK's story
Wendy was diagnosed with hepatitis B in college but wasn’t put on medication until her 30s. After a loved one passed away from liver cancer and Wendy learned that she herself may have liver damage, she started taking steps to prioritize her health and well-being over the busy, fast-paced, career-driven lifestyle that she had become accustomed to.
Wendy now strives to live life to the fullest and to appreciate every moment, while effectively managing hepatitis B. Watch Wendy's video here. Wendy YK's story is available in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin.
Consult corner: Is the hepatitis B vaccine safe?
Welcome to Consult Corner, where we answer some of the most commonly asked questions!
This month's question: "Is the hepatitis B vaccine safe?"
Yes, the hepatitis B vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine. In fact, it is the first “anti-cancer vaccine” because it can protect you from hepatitis B, which is the cause of 60% of all liver cancer in the world. It only takes two to three shots to protect yourself and those you love against hepatitis B for a lifetime. If you live in the U.S. and are 18 or older, there is a two-dose vaccine available. Ask your doctor about the right vaccine type for you.
With more than one billion doses given throughout the world, medical and scientific studies have shown the hepatitis B vaccine to be one of the safest vaccines ever made.
Read more about this and other Frequently Asked Questions here.
If you're interested in learning more about topics like this, please join the HepBcommunity online forum here.
Hepatitis B Foundation's publication pick of the month
Implementation and outcomes of a remote hepatitis B screening program designed to overcome COVID-19 pandemic-related disruptions to community-based screenings for Asians in Greater Philadelphia: A descriptive study
Aug. 8, 2022
Working with community groups and professionals at the University of Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Department of Health, the Hepatitis B Foundation conducted screening for hepatitis B remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the team's previous work had demonstrated, the study found a high prevalence of hepatitis B among Asians in the Philadelphia area. The project also found a high exposure to hepatitis B in that population, which was shown through blood tests, and demonstrated the need for ongoing hepatitis B and liver cancer prevention efforts.
This project used digital communication tools and virtual programming in place of in-person screenings that could not be held during the pandemic. Considerations were given to educational, linguistic, cultural, financial and time constraints. The authors noted their approach required literacy plus internet or mobile connectivity. And it was less efficient than outreach via community health fairs, where large numbers of people could be engaged conveniently at once.
This project succeeded in demonstrating the feasibility of implementing a remote hepatitis B screening program to work around the COVID-19 pandemic-related disruptions to community-based screenings for its intended population.
Note: You can find additional recommendations for relevant new journal articles here.
Sept. 18-22 - International HBV Meeting
Nov. 2 - Blumberg Institute Distinguished Speaker Seminar
Keith R. Jerome, MD, PhD
Learn more about our research and education programs at
The Hepatitis B Foundation is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to finding a cure and improving the quality of life for those affected by hepatitis B worldwide. Our commitment includes funding focused research, promoting disease awareness, supporting immunization and treatment initiatives, and serving as the primary source of information for patients and their families, the medical and scientific community, and the general public.
Hepatitis B Foundation I 3805 Old Easton Road Doylestown, PA 18902 I
215-489-4900 I