Stay Connected to the Healthy Schools Movement in BC
There are plenty of ways to stay connected to the healthy schools movement! Follow DASH on social media for all your healthy schools news and happenings.
Grant Opportunities
View other healthy school grant opportunities
Video of the Month:
James Kennedy Elementary
James Kennedy Elementary school in Langley used an inquiry-based approach to address healthy eating in their school last year. While the main focus was healthy eating, their goal also included to enhance social responsibility in students, foster healthy relationships and develop community connectedness. Check out their video and story about their activities
Have a Great Story? We Want to Hear It!
We want to hear your healthy schools story! Educators, students and community members across the province are working hard to create healthier schools. Sharing your stories can help support and inspire others, and viewing stories from other schools can do the same for you. Check out the
Healthy Schools Stories Map
Submitting an Article for the Newsletter |
How would you like to promote your organization's message to members of the health and education sectors across BC? To learn how to submit an article for the Healthy Schools BC Newsletter, please visit the Healthy Schools BC website
here for submission dates and guidelines.
The Healthy Schools BC Newsletter is brought to you by DASH BC. Our vision is that ALL children and youth in BC will realize their full potential as healthy learners who feel connected and engaged in their community.
We are a non-profit society that inspires our partners and stakeholders to improve the health and learning of students in BC by promoting, supporting and facilitating a healthy schools approach. Visit our
for more information
October 10th is
World Mental Health Day. World Mental Health Day is observed on October 10th every year to raise awareness of mental health issues and mobilize efforts in support of mental health. Join the
Amanda Todd Legacy Society this World Mental Health Day by Lighting Up Purple. Click
here to read more.
Walk and Wheel to School Week
Encouraging active living in school communities
October 3rd to 7th, 2016 is Walk and Wheel to School Week! DASH and Doctors of BC are supporting schools to be active and walk and wheel to school this week and throughout the month of October. We are cheering on participating schools and encourage all schools to promote active living this month. Click here to check out active living programs and supports for schools.
Action Schools! BC Update
Action Schools! BC Workshops Are Just Around the Corner
Physical activity and healthy eating workshops
We have been working away with our partners and collaborators on the enhanced Action Schools! BC program updates. We are looking forward to sharing them with you and your colleagues across the province in the coming weeks and months. Action Schools! BC workshops is one program component that will continue to support student learning about healthy eating and physical activity. Click here to read more about the workshops.
A 2x10 practice
Last year, as part of the WellAhead initiative, staff in the Esquimalt family of schools in SD61 team focused on building relationships with students using a 2x10 practice. With 2x10, school staff take the time to connect with a vulnerable or overlooked student for at least 2 minutes per interaction, for a minimum of 10 times to build a connection. Click here to read more about their story and approaches to nurture positive relationships with students.
Queen Elizabeth Secondary School
Traditional First Nations coastal foods pilot
The Healthy Schools Network (HSN) is highlighting previous year-end stories to ignite creativity and share ideas about curriculum-based approaches that are aligned with the redesigned curriculum and foster student health and learning. This month we are featuring a story from Queen Elizabeth Secondary School in SD 36. Click here to read more.
Guidelines for Food & Beverage Sales in BC Schools
Using a comprehensive school health approach to enhance healthy eating
The start of a new school year is a great time to see if the healthy choice is the easy choice in your school food environment. One way to support healthy eating choices in your school is to ensure foods sold align with the Guidelines for Food & Beverage Sales in BC Schools. Healthy school food policies like these support healthy food environments, which in turn increase access to healthy food and support healthy eating and food literacy initiatives at schools. Addressing the school food environment by looking at healthy eating policies also aligns with a comprehensive school health (CSH) approach. Click here to read more.
Walking School Bus and Bicycle Train
Promote active transportation in your community
BC's Walking School Bus and Bicycle Train Program supports school communities to set up active transportation programs by providing a host of online resources, including "how-to" guides, safe route mapping tools, and road safety tips. This is a great opportunity to build on Walk and Wheel to School Week! Click here to read more.
Integrating First Nations Education in Classrooms
Indian Residential Schools and Reconciliation Resources
Looking for curriculum-related resources that focus on First Nations education? The Indian Residential Schools and Reconciliation Teacher Resource Guides for Grades 5, 10 and 11/12 were developed by the First Nations Education Steering Committee and the First Nations Schools Association to support students of all cultural backgrounds to gain an understanding of the history of the relationship between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people over Canada's history, with a focus on the BC experience. Click here to read more.