Rochester City School District
Media Advisory
December 10, 2020
Editor Contact:
Marisol Ramos-Lopez
585.455.2844 (m)
World of Inquiry Seniors Participate in Virtual College March
Students to Mail Letters of Intent for College Applications
Students and staff from World of Inquiry School No. 58

College March for Class of 2021

Friday, December 11, 2020, 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. 

World of Inquiry
200 University Avenue
Rochester, NY 14605

World of Inquiry’s senior class of 2021 will participate in a College March on Friday as they mail letters declaring their intent to apply for college. 

In year’s past, seniors from World of Inquiry School No. 58 would march to City Hall, mailing letters stating their intentions to apply to the colleges of their choice since college applications are completed online. 

This year, COVID-19 won’t allow students to participate in that march to City Hall. Instead, students will participate in a drive-thru at their school with family members. A mailbox will be set up at the back of the school and staff will show support, from a safe distance, with signs and the honking of car horns to celebrate and encourage students on their journey to college. 

The students are writing and mailing letters to individuals who have helped encourage them along the way in their journey through life and their high school education. 
On Friday, December 18, the school will then hold a virtual celebration for those students where they will watch videos from school leaders congratulating them on their journey, and they will see pictures from the event on the 11th

131 W. Broad Street, Rochester, NY 14614 | 585-262-8100