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Issue 18

"No philosophers so thoroughly
  comprehend us as dogs and horses."

Herman Melville

Who doesn't know that February is the month to declare your love? We huddle and cuddle in the cold, send Valentine's greetings galore, grow 250 million roses to present to our sweethearts, and, yes, we share our affection with our pets.

In February we celebrate Love Your Pet Day, National Adopt a Rabbit Month and Responsible Pet Owners Month. These occasions remind us about our relationships with our pets, how we care for them and commit to them.

It's a great time to review your pet care checklist, confirm those annual vet check-ups, keep vaccinations current, and make sure the dietary and exercise needs of our pets are being observed. If your pet's about to travel, read on in this issue for tips to help make your pet's move a smooth one. We're devoted to our furry family members, we cherish their companionship and marvel at how they might sense our moods. Fascinating new research (more on that below!) now shows that horses can detect the difference between angry and happy human faces.

It's truly a wonderful world with the love of pets to warm OUR hearts!

Planning Your Pet's
Summer Move

Many families naturally choose to move during the summer months, whether it's for personal or professional reasons. When you're relocating a pet, it's vital to plan well ahead of your pet's move date. The steps that you take now will help make the move a far less anxious experience for you and your pet.

Our knowledgeable WorldCare counselors are mapping out the move timelines right now for pets that are jetting this summer. Some locations impose long wait times if pets are coming from countries that are not considered rabies-free or rabies-controlled. Here are some locations where pre-planning is essential due to the complicated health and document requirements. It's always helpful to check in with your pet relocation counselor as the period of planning depends on your pet's country of origin and its destination, as well as the type of pet.


"I will never overlook my responsibilities for this living being and recognize that my dog's welfare is totally dependent on me."

February has its share of animal-related days, from Love Your Pet Day on Feb. 20 to World Whale Day on Feb. 13. But throughout February, Responsible Pet Owners Month reminds us not only of our tremendous affection for furry family members but also our obligations to our pets.


According to a report just out this month, horses can read human emotion. While this may not be news to horse owners, this was the first time a research study has concluded that horses can distinguish between angry and happy human faces.

Psychologists at the Mammal Vocal Communication and Cognitive Research Group at the University of Sussex studied 28 horses between April 2014 and February 2015. Their findings indicated that the horses reacted with specific behaviors to photographs of people with negative facial expressions. When the horses were presented with images of angry faces, the horses looked more with their left eye and their heart rate rapidly increased. The findings were published in February in the journal Biology Letters.


Winter 2016

In This Issue
Featured Article 
Pets-on-the-Move FAQs
How Will I Know My Pet Is Safe?
O ur pet's never flown before and we're very concerned about how she'll handle the flight.

How will we know that our pet is safe when she's in transit? It's a very stressful experience for the entire family when a pet flies for the first time, or at any time. Our counselors work tirelessly to provide updates
when a pet is traveling so you're always aware of how your pet is progressing through its important move. We stay in constant contact with our drivers and our partners throughout your pet's relocation.

Our pet postcards give you a glimpse of your furry friend as she's departing or arriving at an airport, boarding for the night, or if traveling by ground, enjoying a rest stop along the way. Our team provides photos and when possible video updates
as often as we can. 



Betty White's Alright!

It's a long and complicated process for a pet to move from Irwin, Pennsylvania in the U.S.A. to Haiyang, China. But Betty White was a wonder!

This beautiful female lab mixed breed arrived safely in Hiayang and her family was so relieved that her cross-continental trip was now complete. She'll soon be scouting her favorite haunts in her new country!

"(Our counselor) was so great throughout the whole process. Moving to China was a lot of work and stress and having the part of getting my fur baby there taken care of definitely was a relief. My vet was very impressed with the services of WorldCare and (our counselor) as well and specifically asked for the company name to refer to other patients transporting their pets. My mom was responsible for seeing my baby girl off as I had to leave before her. (Our counselor) was so great with last minute questions from my mom. She even offered to include my mom on the e-mail updates. It definitely was a relief for my mom as well!"

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 Thank you for considering our services as part of your relocation process. 

As you and your pets travel, all of us at WorldCare Pet Transport wish you safe journeys

and joyful experiences. To contact WorldCare Pet send your e-mail to:


"I embrace emerging experience. I participate in discovery. I am a butterfly.

I want the experience of a butterfly."

by William Stafford