I had a strange, but also obvious realization this week. God doesn't worry. He doesn't worry about the past. He doesn't worry about the present or the future. He doesn't worry about His busy schedule. He doesn't even worry about the state of the world, or the church, or the weather. He just doesn't worry.
This is no great theological insight. Of course God doesn't worry. How could He? God knows all things. He is all powerful. He is not caught up in the changes and chances of this life, but sees, and is, the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega of everything (Rev. 22.13).
But what about us? We worry. Sometimes we worry a lot. Jesus tells us not to of course. "Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble" (Matthew 6.34). But if you are like me, being told I shouldn't worry doesn't tend to snap me out of it. Sometimes I even dig in, wanting to justify my worries.
So, where is the hope for us in all of this? Well, this is where I find it. We are creatures made in God's image. God, who is responsible for an entire universe holds us and everything in being without even a moment of worry. While our progress to setting our worries aside may be slow this side of God's kingdom, there will be a day when we lay all our worries down.
I'm looking forward to that. God Bless,