Worrying Decision
Fr. Casey

Today the Supreme Court announced its decision in Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health, and overturned the 50-year legal precedent of Roe v Wade. There will no longer be a constitutional right to abortion in our nation, which means that in states like Texas abortion will be banned entirely. I think it important to share again the position of the Episcopal Church regarding abortion and the reproductive rights of women. The Episcopal Church has engaged in this debate for many decades, and through the legislative body of General Convention, leaders of our Church have crafted a series of statements and resolutions that are worth considering at this time.  

The Episcopal Church holds in tension the supreme sacredness of human life with the rights of women to determine their own health and medical decisions. This has led the Church to “emphatically oppose abortion as a means of birth control, family planning, sex selection, or any reason of mere convenience,” while also maintaining “unequivocal opposition to any legislation on the part of the national or state governments which would abridge or deny the right of individuals to reach informed decisions [about the termination of pregnancy] and to act upon them.” 

Welcome the Rev. Meghan Mazur!

This Sunday, we welcome the Rev. Meghan Mazur as our preacher. Meghan graduated with honors from the School of Theology in Sewanee, TN last month and will be ordained to the diaconate at Christ Church Cathedral in Houston tomorrow morning. The Mazurs have been part of our parish family since 2008, and we are thrilled that they are spending Meghan’s first Sunday as a member of the clergy here at Transfiguration.

Meghan's Ordination will be livestreamed tomorrow at 10:00 am.
General Convention 2022

Next month is the 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church. The General Convention is the governing body of The Episcopal Church and meets every three years as a legislative body. This year our own Mtr. Rebecca will be a deputy for the Diocese of Dallas. We ask for your prayers for Mtr. Rebecca and all the deputies at General Convention next month.

Learn more about General Convention here.
Funeral Information for Ellen Dingwall

A Requiem Eucharist for long-time parishioner and staffer Ellen Dingwall will be held in the church on Tuesday, June 28 at 2:00 pm.

This service will be available via livestream here.
Vogel Alcove Swimsuit Drive

Vogel Alcove has spent the last 35 years caring for the most vulnerable, neglected members of our community – homeless children and their families. Our agency’s highly-skilled teachers, social workers, counselors, and therapists help children cope with the trauma of homelessness and give parents the support they need to improve their families’ lives. It’s time for Camp Vogel and School-wide splash days! Many of the children we serve will attend swimming lessons for the first time this summer, and others have outgrown their suits from last year. We provide them with these items, but our closet is empty!

We need swimsuits and swim shoes of all sizes for boys and girls infant–14 years old. Click the button below to be taken to an Amazon wishlist of requested items.  All items that you order will be delivered directly to Vogel Alcove.

*Please do not bring donations to Church, please order off the wishlist*
Second-Half Lunch Bunch

2nd Half, our ministry for folks entering their “second half” of life, invites you to High Tea, Wednesday afternoons at 3:30pm.

This summer, you are also invited to join the 2nd Half lunch bunch! They will meet after church this Sunday, June 26, July 17, and August 21.
Summer Fun for Figs with Kids

Figs with Kids is our fellowship group for parents with children currently living at home. They will be hosting a number of events this summer and want you to join!

July 23, 11:00am-4:00pm - Lake day at Cedar Creek Lake

August 13, 5:00pm-9:00pm - Family Movie Night

To learn more, click the button below and follow Figs with Kids on Facebook.
July 4th Weekend Ice Cream Social

Join us between services on Sunday, July 3rd for an ice cream social in the tower cloister.
St. Elizabeth's Relaunch

St. Elizabeth’s Guild offers a way to meet other members of Transfiguration in a relaxed atmosphere.

July 10 at 10:15 in the Parlor, you’re invited to join prior St. Elizabeth’s Guild leaders and members from MM&C ministry to discuss the relaunch.
Beware Phishing Emails!

We have been informed that a number of our parishioners have received phishing emails from scammers pretending to be Transfiguration staff members. We take information security very seriously and ask that you also remain vigilant in order to prevent fraud.

Here are a few precautions to take:
  • Confirm the sender’s identity before replying to email requests and before opening attachments or clicking on links, even if they appear to come from a legitimate source. All church communications will come from email addresses formatted as follows (Name)@transfiguration.net.
  • Our staff at Transfiguration will never solicit contributions from a personal account. If you have questions or concerns about a request you may always contact our Interim Parish Administrator, Fred Ellis at fellis@transfiguration.net
  • If you have received suspicious messages from gmail.com or other domains, please avoid clicking links and report the abuse via https://support.google.com/mail/contact/abuse
July Office Hours

During the month of July, the church offices will be closed on Mondays.
Bookstore Corner 

Store Hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Sundays from 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

All proceeds benefit St. Hilda's Guild and our church's ministries.

For questions about books or gifts, contact Carolyn by phone at (972) 231-1634.
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