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+ December 6, 2024

All MinistryLink News

Events Calendar

Job Listings

In this newsletter:

▶︎Simulcast Service with Bethlehem & Philadelphia

▶︎Homeless Memorial Blanket Project

▶︎MLK Day of Service & MLK Service

▶︎Synod Council Nominations

▶︎Vigil for Victims, Families, and Survivors of Gun Violence

▶︎Christmas Putz

▶︎Trip to Greece

▶︎Our Kairos Moment with Lutherans Restoring Creation

▶︎A Blue Christmas

▶︎Opportunities with Kindling Faith

▶︎In Case You Missed It...

SEPA Synod Updates & Events

18th Annual Simulcast Service of Christmas Lessons & Carols from Philadelphia and Bethlehem

December 14th 10:00 am

at the Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral

The 18th annual Service of Christmas Lessons and Carols simulcast live between the Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral in the United States and the Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem, Palestine, will take place on Saturday, Dec. 14th. Hear familiar carols and readings in Arabic and English, and a word of hope preached this year by Bishop Sani Ibrahim Azar, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan & the Holy Land.

All are invited to join in person for this free event.

You can also participate virtually by watching it live on YouTube.

Homeless Memorial Blanket Project comes to Philly’s Independence Mall

December 21st, 2025 from 9am to 5pm

The Homeless Remembrance Blanket Project is held yearly on December 21st, the day we not only think of those who live unstably housed, but also those who die that way. The blanket project has been displayed in Carlisle PA, and at the Capitol in Washington D.C. and Harrisburg, PA.


Generous blanket makers knit, crochet, and quilt warm blankets for total strangers who are unhoused or living in transitional housing. Each year, the blankets are locally distributed to those in need.


We need handmade blankets delivered to:

SEPA Synod Offices,

Brossman Center, United Lutheran Seminary by December 15th OR

Independence Mall by December 21st at 9am


Local organizations who aid unhoused, transitionally housed, or populations in need:

You may reserve blankets for pickup December 21st at 5pm.

Email for more details.

MLK Day of Service

Saturday, January 18th from 10am to noon

at the Mt. Airy Campus of United Lutheran Seminary

7301 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia

Buckets will be used wherever they are needed first! They may be used in response to local disasters and community groups, or shipped to areas that need them! All ages are welcome!

Please REGISTER to volunteer by emailing, Heidi Shilanskas at:

Interested in donating supplies? Please use the link(s) below to Sign Up!

Sign Up Genius for Hygiene Kits
Sign Up Genius for Flood Buckets

SEPA Synod-ELCA and the African Descent Lutheran Association Philadelphia Chapter invite you to the...

MLK Day Annual Memorial Service

THEME: We have been here before Beloved, now what?

Sunday, January 19th at 3pm

at Christ's Lutheran Church

700 E Pennsylvania Ave in Orland, PA

Featuring guest preacher The Rev. Mona Fitch-Elliott, author of "Jobeth," St. John's Lutheran Church in the New Jersey Synod.

An offering of items for hygiene kits or complete hygiene kits will be received.

Hygiene Kit Contents:

  • 1 toothbrush
  • 1 toothpaste (any size)
  • 3 moist towelettes
  • 1 bottle shampoo (12 oz or smaller)
  • 1 bottle conditioner (12 oz or smaller)
  • 1 EZ towel tablet (or small washcloth(
  • 3 sanitary napkins
  • 1 deodorant stick
  • 1 bar soap
  • 1 comb
  • combine all in a drawstring or large Ziplock bag

New Date and Venue for the 2025 SEPA Synod Assembly

Mark your calendars and save the date!

Friday, May 30th and Saturday, May 31st

at Trinity Lutheran Church in Lansdale!

Nominating Committee Seeks Nominations for the 2025 SEPA Assembly

How does the work of Jesus get done in Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod? By faithful members of our congregations who love Jesus, love the Church, and are willing to take leadership positions in our Synod. At the upcoming Synod Assembly, May 30 & 31, 2025, we will be electing leaders to serve on the Synod Council. Click below to learn more.

Nomination Letter
Nomination Form

SEPA Teams, Ministries, & Congregations

CeaseFirePA Vigil for Victims, Families, and Survivors of Gun Violence

Thursday, December 12 at 7:00 pm

at Reformation Lutheran Church

(102 W. Rose Tree Rd. 19063)

This interfaith vigil will gather our community in reverence for those tragically lost or grievously injured due to gun violence. We will honor their lives, and unite with action as we call on our leaders to pass proven policies to #EndGunViolence in Pennsylvania. All traditions are welcome. It’s free and open to the public, but space at Reformation Lutheran is limited, so click here to RSVP. Please wear your orange CeaseFirePA t-shirt if you have one and plan to show up 15 minutes early.


Visit the Christmas Putz at

St. Peter’s Lutheran Church

1530 Augsburg Drive, Hilltown, PA 18927

(On Hilltown Pike between Church Rd. and Diamond St.)

The Christmas Putz (rhyming with foots) depicts the story of Jesus’ birth. More than a nativity scene, it tells the whole story from the Annunciation to the Visits of the Shepherds and Wise Men to the Flight to Egypt, using small illuminated scenes nestled among moss, rocks, sand, and driftwood, all accompanied by music.


The Putz is open Saturdays 2:00-4:00 p.m. and Sundays 10:00-11:30 a.m. through December 29. Admission is free. Light refreshments are available. Children may make a craft. There is also a “Please Touch” Nativity scene.

Steps of Paul Greece and Greek Islands

July 20-July 1, 2025 with Pr. Julie DeWerth of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Package price of $4,990 from New York includes roundtrip airfare, accommodations in double occupancy hotel rooms, breakfast and dinner daily, nine days sightseeing in modern air-conditioned private bus, English speaking tour guide on duty, three night cruise, and two shore excursions. Click below to learn more, including the itinerary and reservation application.

More Information

ELCA + Partners

Our Kairos Moment: Climate Change as a Public Health Crisis

Dec 17, 2024 at 8:00 PM online

In June 2024, the ELCA released “Our Kairos Moment: A Study Guide on Earth’s Climate Crisis.” Over the next four months, Lutherans Restoring Creation will facilitate a study group on this guide during our connections call time, each hour focusing on one part (of four) of the study guide. We hope that by going through the guide ourselves, that participants will gain familiarity and confidence with the study guide and will be able to implement it in their own congregations and communities.

During Part Two, our theme is “Climate Change as a Public Health Crisis.” We will think about how climate change affects our community and global “neighbors,” emphasizing the need for solidarity and intergenerational work. We will also discuss worker safety and heat protections for outdoor workers, leading to direct policy action!

Register here

A Blue Christmas: A light in the darkness

Thursday, December 19th at 8:00 pm EST online

The Holiday season occurs in the midst of the longest, darkest, coldest time of year. In the midst of this long dark season when all of nature seems dead and lifeless, when things are at their darkest we look for the light of hope.


"A light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it."


And yet, sometimes the light of hope can seem pretty dim and the darkness very real and overwhelming.

The Center of Addiction & Faith offers this virtual candlelight service designed for those who may not be feeling the happiness and joy that this season calls for. Not everyone is experiencing a holly jolly good time. For some of us, the Christmas season is more than difficult. We gather to acknowledge the pain you may be feeling and to plead for help and hope and light from out of the darkness.

Register Here

The Richard Stewart Lifelong Learning Certificate in African American Lutheran History, Theology, & Praxis

This exciting new program features nine different presenters speaking to the various aspects of Lutheranism’s place in the story of African American Spiritual Formation as part of the narrative that shaped these United States and her territories. 

In the Winter & Spring of 2025, the course topics are:

  • January 7, 14, 21 - The Theology of the Cross: The Perspective of an African in America - The Rev. Dr. Ron Bonner
  • January 28, February 4, 11 - Ethical Leadership - Invited Guest Leaders - with introduction to the work of Dr. Earl Fluker (Ethical Leadership - The Quest for Character, Civility and Community) with Dr. Beverly Wallace and the Rev. Dr. Wyvetta Bullock, COO of the ELCA 
  • February 18, 25, March 4 - Religious/Christian Education - Luther's Small Catechism with African Descent Reflections - varied contributors to the text 
  • March 11, 18, 25 - Worship and Rituals (this will coincide with Preaching with Power at ULS that will be held March 16 - 19) - Dr. Joseph Donnella
  • April 1, 8, 15 - Claiming Our Dignity, Saving Our Souls - Dr. Beverly Wallace
  • April 22, 29, May 6 - Our Global Siblings - Dr. Joseph Boko, Richard Perry, Dr. Richard Thomas (this would be in preparation for our trip to Brazil in August)  

This project is supported in part by the Conference of International Black Lutherans USA (CIBL-USA) and is presented by Kindling Faith at United Lutheran Seminary.

Register Here

Kindling Faith Pastoral Care Series

Presenter: Reverend Beth Toler, M.Div. Th.D., LMFT T

Spring 2025 Schedule:

Note: Monday sessions start at Noon EST and Thursday sessions are at 7 pm EST; full workshop descriptions are available on web page. 

  • January 6 & 9 Caring for Those with Dementia and the People Who Love Them
  • February 3 & 6 And Let There Be Marshes: LGBTQ Pastoral Care 10
  • March 3 & 6 When God Disappears: The Spiritual Struggle of Depression
  • April 7 & 10 Listening for the Soul: What it Means to Hear, Understand, and Engage the Soul

About the presenter...

Beth Toler is an ordained American Baptist minister, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who has extensive experience in various academic, ministry and mental health settings. Beth currently operates a private counseling practice at the Middleton Center for Pastoral Counseling at Bryn Mawr Presbyterian, cofacilitates clergy colleague groups for the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania and other local clergy in Delaware County, serves as an active member of Laurel House's Mainline Domestic Violence Clergy Taskforce, and serves as the chair of ACPE's Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy Commission. Her active writing and research focus on the methodological and practical implications of integrating religion and spirituality into the counseling process.

Register Here

ACPE and United Lutheran Seminary’s Kindling Faith Program Present:

Body Knowledge as a Healing and Liberative Practice

Friday, February 7, 2025, 10am-3pm

Grace Lutheran Church

2191 West Chester Pike, Broomall, PA 19008

Our bodies are ALIVE!!! Our bodies hold mapped messages which includes significant knowledge and wisdom grounded in our own personal experience, as well as the experiences of our ancestors in ages past. As counselors, therapists, chaplains, ministers and other spiritual leaders it is important to understand that the Healing and Liberation we wish to share with others begins with our own Self-Literacy – our own body knowledge. This workshop will explore the intersection of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Indigenous Spirituality in order to understand the impact our bodies have on those with whom we work and transform our embodied presence into an agent of healing and change. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own embodied spirituality, how it informs their healing work, and its ongoing importance in their own self-care. 

About the presenter…

Bridget L. Piggue, M.Div., ThD. is a leader and educator in the field of Pastoral Theology, Care & Counseling. Her focus and passion in ministry have been to accompany spiritual leaders in the development of greater self-awareness and mental health. Through the disciplines of psychology, theology, spirituality and the sciences she has devoted her vocational call to educating and empowering those committed to growth, healing and transformation. Dr. Piggue is an ACPE Certified Educator and an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America who serves as the Director of Spiritual Health at Emory University Hospital Midtown in Atlanta, GA. 

Learn More & Register
ULS Events

The Seminar on Lutheran Liturgy

"Let It Be With Me According To Your Word:

From Praying to Knowing to Doing

August 13-15, 2025 in Minneapolis

Learn More

In Case You Missed It...

LAMPa Offers Resources for Caring for our Immigrant and Refugee Neighbors

"Immigration, refugee, and asylum policies express who we are as a nation, influence the nation’s future character, and affect the lives of millions of people. We encourage our members, in light of our history and our ministry with newcomers, to join with other citizens in our democratic society to support just laws that serve the common good." 

ELCA Social Message on Immigration (1998)

As we prepare for changes in leadership at both the state and federal levels, many congregations and individuals have reached out to find ways to strengthen their ministries for and with migrants and refugees. Below is a sample of resources for communities to engage more deeply and to be prepared to stand with our neighbors.

Community Defender Training

Join the National Immigration Project on Dec. 2 for a free webinar for community defenders, advocates, and impacted community members to go over the basics of what you can do now to be prepared. The two-hour program is meant to address your questions and to remind you of the protections you already have.

Register here.  

Being a Sanctuary Church

Every church within the ELCA must decide for itself what manner of engagement it can provide for immigrants in its community. All congregations should be ready with information about appropriate connections available in their community. Check out this guide to help your congregation discern what you can do.

Find more resources from ELCA AMMPARO.

Join Our Rapid Response Network

We don’t know exactly what the next few months and years will bring, but we do know we will be called as disciples of Jesus to stand with those in need. If you are willing to be on our “Rapid Response” list to help us prevent political violence and promote solidarity and justice for all of our neighbors, please fill out this form

Welcoming Schools Toolkit

This guide aims to provide students, parents, community members and schools with the tools for affirming a dedication to ensuring that all students, regardless of immigration status, are welcome, safe and protected in their school. Download the guide, prepared by Temple University and the PA Immigration and Citizenship Coalition, of which LAMPa is a part.

Anti-Racism Education

The Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod’s Anti-Racism Team announces a new offering of anti-racism education for both lay and rostered participants. You may participate as an individual or as a congregational group.  

The format consists of:

  • One 90-minute Zoom meeting to introduce the curriculum, planned for Thursday, January 23, 2025, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
  • Nine online modules outlining the historical context of the systemic racism embedded in our current institutions. Participants will have at least nine weeks, at their convenience, to complete these modules.
  • One in-person day-long session on Saturday, April 5, 2025, at a location to be determined.
  • This curriculum fulfills the mandatory requirement for anti-racism education by the synod’s rostered ministers. As such, rostered ministers are strongly encouraged to participate.

This program is free to all participants.

Register today by emailing

Please register by Monday, January 20, 2025.

A Womanist/Mujerista Symposium

When: Friday, Dec. 6 from 10am-3pm EST, online

Cost: $20/individual or $80/congregation

Offered by Kindling Faith and United Lutheran Seminary

Womanist/Mujerista Symposium

Latine Ministry Competency Workshop 202

There are 1,157 ELCA congregations with significant Latinx population in their zip code. Is your church one of these? How are you equipping yourselves for cross-cultural ministry among the fast-growing Latine community?

You are invited to join a group of learners and practitioners wanting to enhance their cultural and ministry competence to help start or strengthen Latine, Bilingual, or Multi-Ethnic worshipping communities. This virtual 10-hour workshop features the learnings of local and synodical strategies, core principles, ministry models and best practices in the development of ministry among the diversity of Latinx audiences in New Jersey, Texas, and the Chicago area.

This initiative is part of an ELCA churchwide effort to “activate ourselves so that more people may know the way of Jesus and experience community, justice, and love.”

Cost: Individual $250 or Congregation: $600

In English and 100% online

Register Here

News from the Mission Investment Fund:

ELCA congregations, the time for clean energy is now

As faith communities, we are not merely bystanders in a transition to clean energy—we are leaders. Guided by our shared values of care for one another and the Earth, we have the potential to drive significant change. By leveraging new federal programs and financial incentives, we can make impactful energy and resiliency improvements that inspire others to follow our lead.

Enacted in August 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) represents U.S. history's most substantial climate and clean energy investment. Its aim is clear: to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 44% by 2030, a significant step towards a cleaner, healthier future.

The IRA offers key provisions, including Clean Energy Tax Credits for wind and solar power, electric vehicles (EVs), efficiency upgrades, heat pumps, and more. And now, the IRA provides a unique opportunity for nonprofits, congregations and ministries to access rebates (instead of tax credits) through the Direct Pay Program.

The Direct Pay rebate available through the IRA is 30 percent of your clean energy project’s equipment cost, and the rebate is paid once the equipment is installed and operational. Your ministry can also realize energy savings for the long-term. 

Partnering with the Mission Investment Fund and the ELCA Federal Credit Union can provide you with the up-front financing you need to get your project underway.1 

Join the increasing number of faith communities that are adopting solar energy benefits. Visit our website for more information, resources, and ways to get started. We are here to help every step of the way.

Learn More

ELCA Association of White Lutherans for Racial Justice: Our Commitment to Dismantling White Supremacy


white su·prem·a·cy

noun: white supremacy

  • the belief that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups.


The ELCA Association of White Lutherans for Racial Justice is firmly committed to the work of dismantling white supremacy and racism within ourselves, our communities, our congregations, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We follow in the steps of people of color who have tirelessly fought, sacrificed, and led the struggle for racial justice, honoring their voices and experiences as foundational to this journey. As followers of Jesus, we are called to journey alongside marginalized people and work for the reconciliation and restoration of all people. We are guided by our faith as ELCA Lutherans, believing that every person is a beloved child of God, created with dignity and worth, and deserving to be seen, heard, and celebrated in the fullness of their authentic selves and cultural heritage.

We recognize the pain and harm that racism and white supremacy inflict upon people of color. We lament the injustice, division, and violence perpetuated by these systems and commit ourselves to centering the stories, needs, and aspirations of communities of color. This work demands honesty, courage, and the willingness to examine and unlearn our own complicity in upholding structures of racial hierarchy and inequality. It is clear—whether in the church, the nation, or the world—that white supremacy harms and divides us all, and we seek a path forward rooted in justice, humility, and community.


Yet, we as white people have been slow to recognize the ways in which we are treated differently by people and systems, and how we ourselves treat other white people in ways that maintain white supremacy. This complacency on our part continues to perpetuate the very harms we seek to dismantle. We must open our eyes and our hearts, humble ourselves, and actively work to undo these patterns and privileges, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.


We invite white people who feel called to this work to join us. Whether you are beginning your journey in anti-racism or have been engaged for years, you are welcome in this community. Together, we journey, holding one another accountable in love, sharing in the learning and growth that dismantling white supremacy requires, and striving to be the hands and feet of God in the world. We are committed to this work, because our call comes from Jesus, who commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves.


May we move forward with faith, centering voices of color, and living into God's vision of justice, equity, and beloved community for all.


Join White Lutherans for Racial Justice. We are an association of people who are in the work of dismantling white supremacy together, in community. Join our movement, we need you. We will be rolling out formal membership in December and January.


Coming events you are invited to: 

  • Anti-Racist Text Study (ARTS) - 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at noon central, recordings available for those unable to attend; register here.
  • A Time for Burning revisited, Dec. 3, register today.
Click here to read more

Keep Up With Synod News and Resources

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We encourage leaders, parish administrators or newsletter editors to forward MinistryLink (this link) to your congregation.

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Thank you for taking the time to read this edition of MinistryLink. 

Tell fellow church members and colleagues to subscribe by clicking here.

Ms. Cynta Outterbridge, Communications Assistant / 267.323.3742


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Southeastern PA Synod, ELCA
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