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WORSHIP ALERT for January 9th and 16th!

Due to a continued rise in COVID cases in our area, (some within our congregation!) we will shift to “Live Streaming” worship only for Sundays, January 9th and 16th or until the facts from the County suggest it is safe to do otherwise.  

After discussing the matter with some of our congregation leaders, area colleagues, and consulting county updates, I have determined this our best course for this interim period.  So, yes, we require vaccinations, wear masks, and take additional precautions when we do gather.  Yet, among even the vaccinated are “breakthrough cases” where the omicron variant defies preventative efforts to stay infection. 

This response of mine to the surge in COVID cases is based not on fear but on facts and faith: the facts of the viral surge are undeniable (for most ;o) and my faith is both in God and in you, the Church.  God will see us through this time, and I expect us to be patient with and faithful to one another in the meantime of this pandemic flux.  

I will work with our Church Council to consider our longer-term needs for future guidance regarding our protocols and practices.  You are welcomed to submit your input to me as we do so.  

In this with you – Pastor Brandon

A note from the Church Office: during this period, don't hesitate to E-mail and call the church. We will monitor the church's contacts and social media remotely and will respond quickly to your needs. If you seek an in-person appointment with the Office Manager, please get in touch and we will schedule a safe, distanced meeting. For the short-term, the Office is closed to walk-up guests. -Chris Vincenti

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