Service for the Lord's Day

Thirty-Third Sunday of Ordinary Time

Sunday, November 19, 2023 | 11 a.m.

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Gathering and Centering Ourselves for Worship



Prayer for Israel - Șerban Nichifor

Call to Worship


Gather in our hearts Lord.


Bring peace through our words.


Gather in our hearts Lord.


Bring peace through our listening.


Gather in our hearts Lord.


Bring peace through our actions.


Gather in our hearts Lord.


Bring peace through our silence.


Gather in our hearts Lord.


Bring peace through our lives.


All Who Love and Serve Your City


Prayer of Confession

in unison

O God of love and compassion, whose heart weeps at the suffering of any of your creatures, help us to share the burden of your heart concerning our troubled and violent world. Teach us to trust you more than in the technologies of destruction that we may be peacemakers in the likeness of your son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Silence is Kept

Assurance of Pardon


Friends, believe the Good News of the Gospel.


In Christ, we are all forgiven.


Assurance Response

Come, Thou Font of Every Blessing


Passing of the Peace & Announcements

Proclaiming the Word

A Reading from the Psalms

Psalm 122

The Word of the Lord - Thanks be to God.


One Thing More - Jane Marshal

The Southminster Choir

Thou who has given so much to me, give on thing more: a grateful heart. Not thankful when it pleaseth me, as if thy blessings had spare days, but such a heart whose pulse may be thy praise.

A Time for All God's Children

A Reading from the Epistles

Romans 8:24-25

The Word of the Lord - Thanks be to God.

A Reading from the Gospels

Luke 19:41-44

The Word of the Lord - Thanks be to God.


Abraham's Tears

Rev. Kent Winters-Hazelton

Our Response to the Word

Affirmation of Faith

from A Declaration of Faith

(in unison)

We serve humankind by discerning what God is doing in the world and joining God in this work. We find guidance in God’s deeds in the past and in God’s promises for the future, as they are witnessed to in the Scripture. We affirm that the Lord is at work, especially in the events and movements that free people by the gospel and advance justice, compassion, and mercy.


Healer of Our Every Ill


The Church at Prayer

The Lord be with you - And also with you.

The Lord's Prayer

(in unison)

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth and it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil For Thine is the kingdom and power and the glory forever. Amen.

The Presentation & Dedication of Our Gifts

Click Here for Online Giving


At PeaceE. Granados

Offertory Response

A Grateful Heart


The Prayer of Dedication

(in unison)


Generous God, we bring these, our gifts, to you as a symbol of our commitment to continue the work you have called us to do in your name—the work of reconciliation and peace and justice in the world and in our community. Transform these gifts that your peace may be experienced at all times and in all ways. In the name of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, we pray. Amen.

Going Forth into the World to Live the Gospel



Let Us Build a House


Benediction & Response

Forward Through the Ages



Postlude in d minor – Anton Bruckner

The flowers for today’s worship service are given by 

Don & Linda Milligan to the Glory of God in honor of 30 years together.

Rick Newkirk, liturgist

Tim Thomas & Wayne Wilson, audio/visual


Rev. Kent Winters-Hazelton, Pastor (Transitional)

Joshua G. Hearn, Director of Music Ministry

Hannah Ratliff, Director of Children & Youth Ministry

Denise Dillon-Gruber, Office Manager

Resources for this service taken from:

Ecumenical Prayer Vigil for Peace in Gaza, Christian Aid; Rabbi Herbert Bronstein, Emeritus Northshore Congregation Israel, Glencoe, IL, Prayers for Peace in the Middle East, Presbyterian Mission Program, PCUSA; Presbyterian Church, Peace and Global Offering.

A Grateful Heart | Text: David Ganbrell, © 2011 David Gambrell. Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-726989. All rights reserved.

All Who Love and Serve Your City | Text: Erik Routley, © 1969 Stainer & Bell Ltd. (admin. Hope Publishing Company). Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-726989. All rights reserved.

Healer of Our Every Ill | Text & Tune: Marty Haugen, © 1987 GIA Publishing, Inc. Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-726989. All rights reserved.

Let Us Build a House | Text & Tune: Marty Haugen, © 1994 GIA Publications, Inc. Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-726989. All rights reserved.