Atonement Weekly

June 12, 2020
Be Encouraged... 
This video is for you. For those who are suffering during this difficult time caused by COVID 19, especially if it's isolating you from your normal life. Go ahead, motivate yourself, think about the future and, more importantly, enjoy the present! How? Watch the video, stay positive, be safe, stay home, and make the best of this time together and alone!
Sunday Online Worship:
This weekend we celebrate Pentecost, the birthday of the church. We will celebrate virtual communion please prepare wine & bread before you begin the video.
  1. Read Romans 5:1-8 (MSG)
  2. Watch Weekend Playlist on YouTube Channel.
  3. Watch Worship/Devotional only
  4. Ways to Give to Atonement.
  5. Family Resources to do with Children.
We begin live in-person worship June 14th this Sunday at 9 a.m.!
  • Prepare for worship by reading the June 2020 Newsletter
  • Come Early
  • Wear a mask
  • Keep a 6-foot Social Distance
  • Be patient with changes
  • Consider offering your help by clicking here
Help Feed the Hungry in St Cloud!
Atonement followers can help the hungry during this pandemic by facilitating up to $6000 in donations to Place of Hope and $6000 to Catholic Charities Emergency Food Shelf . A generous donor has agreed to donate $2 to each charity for any of these three actions:
  1. Follow Atonement Facebook page
  2. Share Atonement Weekly Online Worship
  3. Sign-up to use Realm
A Unique Online Camping Experience!
The Bold Transformational Faith program (BTF) was implemented in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Though we are unable to safely gather at the Luther Crest site, we know that "where two or three are gathered," God is also there (Matthew 18:20). Even if that gathering is creative and done through Zoom and other online platforms, we know that God is with us! Learn more here.

  • Taylor Grzybowski
  • James Boyle
  • Ron Purinton
  • Bill Bard
  • Joyce Pappenfus
  • Steve Raatikka
  • Cari Nelson
  • Bob & Patsy Mader
  • Maggie Hanson
  • Charles Renken
  • Lainey Matuska
  • Terry Steinmetz
  • Dawn Schenk
Pets Up to No Good During Quarantine
High School Ice Cream?
High School Youth?
Meet your pastors for Ice Cream!