SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2020
I am once again sending a prayer and my sermon manuscript for today. I hope you will take some time on this Lord’s day to offer a heartfelt prayer for all those who are suffering from COVID-19 and all the health care workers and others who are caring for those who are afflicted. Please also pray for researchers and others who are working on developing a vaccine as well as effective treatment options.
I am also sending a message from our Administrator, Lou Lescas. As I mentioned last week, although we are, by necessity, taking a hiatus from gathering together for worship, our expenses are not taking a hiatus. Please continue to support the ministries of St. John’s even when you can’t be physically present.
Last week, Bishop Peggy Johnson directed all of the churches of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference to abide by the recommendations of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) which means that we are not to meet in groups of 10 or more for 2 weeks and we are also not to meet in groups of 40 or more for 8 weeks – up until May 9. She stated that this includes worship services, weddings, funerals, and any other way that we meet physically. Out of an abundance of caution, our Leadership Board and myself have made the decision that we will continue to meet only in “socially distant” ways for this period of time unless the recommendations change for the better. We have, therefore, been working diligently on preparing our A/V system and our website to be capable of live-streaming our worship services. Starting next Sunday, March 29 we will be having one live-streamed worship service at 10 am each Sunday. You will be invited to worship with us by accessing our website. Further instructions will be forthcoming prior to next weekend. We will also be offering children’s Sunday School, Confirmation class and Youth group via the Zoom platform until we are able to meet in-person again. Other groups who need to meet will also be able to use Zoom.
These are difficult times but give thanks for the use of technology! I hope you will bring your fears and other concerns before God this morning, but I hope you will also remember to thank God for your many blessings today! This morning, if you desire to watch a live-streamed service, I’ll once again suggest the Church of the Resurrection in Kansas City, one of our largest UM churches, pastored by Rev. Adam Hamilton (cor.org). Services are (this is central time) 5 pm on Saturdays, 7:30, 9:15, 11 & 5 pm on Sundays (jump ahead one hour for each of those times for our time zone).
Pastor Janice
Sermon Manuscript - Pastor Janice
What a Friend We Have In Jesus
John 4: 1-26
There’s an old hymn that has a LOT of power right now. We’re trying so hard to navigate our way through what feels like a CRISIS. We’re trying so hard to keep one another healthy. And over the last week or so, we’ve learned a lot about what that requires. It requires a lot of sacrifice. We can’t go about our lives as usual. Aside from perhaps a trip to the CVS or to the supermarket, most of us are stuck at home. Stores, shops, restaurants, and even gyms are closed. My dentist’s office closed and had to reschedule my appointment this week (oh, the horrors). The kids are home from school, and worse yet is the fact that we can’t even gather in groups of 10 or more – so churches are closed. Many of us are either working from home or we’re out of work altogether. And most of all, we miss getting together with our friends.
Alabama - What A Friend We Have In Jesus (Live)
A Message from our Administrator, Lou Lescas
Dear St John’s Congregants and Friends,
We hope that you and your families are well, as our habits change amid the COVID-19 spread.
We also know that financially supporting St John’s is important to you. Our work in helping members and our reaching out to our community will not stop because of this public health challenge.
You can always mail us your offering. Our mail is checked every day, and deposits will be made once a week, just like always. In addition, St John’s uses Vanco e-Giving tools, so you can continue to support our work using your mobile phone or desktop, during the week or during our live streaming services.
St John’s is a strong community. We will weather this together, even if we’re not all in services. As we alter the way we all operate, please consider mailing in your donation, or making a gift via safe and secure e-Giving- our giving text number is
877 960 2396
(please type amount of your donation on text line & you will be walked through competing your donation).
or you can use the Give + App, from the App Store. You can also give via our website (StJohnsIvyland.com) – simply click on the “give” tab at the upper right corner.
Thank you,
Lou Lescas
St John's Ivyland UMC
St. John's Ivyland
820 Almshouse Road, Ivyland, PA 18974
215-357-6998, stjohnsivyland.com
Rev. Janice A. Puliti