A Message from our Administrator, Lou Lescas
Dear St John’s Congregants and Friends,
We hope that you and your families are well, as our habits change amid the COVID-19 spread.
We also know that financially supporting St John’s is important to you. Our work in helping members and our reaching out to our community will not stop because of this public health challenge.
You can always mail us your offering. Our mail is checked every day, and deposits will be made once a week, just like always. In addition, St John’s uses Vanco e-Giving tools, so you can continue to support our work using your mobile phone or desktop, during the week or during our live streaming services.
St John’s is a strong community. We will weather this together, even if we’re not all in services. As we alter the way we all operate, please consider mailing in your donation, or making a gift via safe and secure e-Giving- our giving text number is
877 960 2396
(please type amount of your donation on text line & you will be walked through competing your donation).
or you can use the Give + App, from the App Store. You can also give via our website (StJohnsIvyland.com) – simply click on the “give” tab at the upper right corner.
Thank you,
Lou Lescas
St John's Ivyland UMC