June 12, 2022
In-person and Online at 10 AM
Rev. Jim Ewing

Romans 5:1-5

5 Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand, and we boast in our hope of sharing the glory of God. 3 And not only that, but we also boast in our afflictions, knowing that affliction produces endurance, 4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, 5 and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.
Your help is needed on Sunday mornings!
Sign-up for Sunday volunteer opportunities using the link below.
Welcome Guests
Thank you for joining us in worship!
If you are interested in hearing more about Avondale, please take a moment to fill out our Next Steps form. We look forward to knowing you and the opportunity to share with you how God is working through the Avondale community. A member of our Outreach Ministry Team will contact you soon!
Member Care Corner
Congratulations 2022 Graduates!
"As our time has come to leave this campus that we have called home, grant us wisdom, courage, and joy in our journeys forward."
-by Kathy Carnes, The Presbyterian Outlook
Baptized today, Sunday, June 12, 2022 in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
Autumn Elise Cuviello
She is the daughter of Chris and Alice Cuviello. As a response to your commitment to tell her of the good news of the Gospel and to help her know of Christ's love, send a note of love and care.

The Cuviello Family
Chris, Alice & Autumn
5818 Carmel Station Ave.
Charlotte, NC 28226
Thanksgiving for Members Moving
Delia McCloskey
Carl, Dee Dee & Lilly McDonald
Barbara Darling
"Blessed are you, O God, for you have created the wide and wonderful world in which we live. We praise you for your constant care for those who have trusted you in ages past, who journeyed in faith to new lands of promise. We trust that now you will hold Barbara, Delia, Carl, Dee Dee and Lilly securely in your hands as they, too, follow your call to a new place. May they take with them hearts filled with your love and grace, that those with whom they live and work may see in them the face of Jesus Christ. Bless them that they may be a blessing. Guide them to a new church home, where they may continue to grow in grace, in Spirit, and in truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."
RFA - Blessing Prayer for Godspeed
Prayer Requests

Allman Family; Hannah Caddell; Laurie Caudle; Sallie Chumley; Louise Ron Crossley; Jozsef Eyer; Anthony Higgs; James Higgs; Stewart Jernigan; Kim Kirk; Wendy McCreery; Drew Milholland; Tim O'Neil; Ulli Otto; Rita Outland; Dawn Peebles; Tina Sanderson; Gail Trippodo; David Waller; Courtney Williams & Family; Tina Wilson.
Please do not hesitate to request prayers from Avondale for the joys or concerns on your heart. We encourage you to let us know of any sickness, crisis, or situation where we can provide support or care. You may contact Rev. Jim Ewing directly or complete the prayer request form using this link.

Member Directory Online
For password information, email Caroline .
Mission Corner
ACE Summer Update

ACE Summer Camps will be held on Avondale’s campus June 21 through Aug 5, Monday through Friday, 8 AM – 5 PM. ACE is seeking Avondale volunteers to share their hobbies or interests with campers, especially in the 6th - to 12th grade age group. Car repairs, woodworking, art, etc....please contact Stefanie Mitchell if interested to share your hobby! 

The ACE Summer Showcase will be August 5 at Mulberry Baptist Church. Volunteer to help set-up, serve, clean-up, etc. More details to follow.
ACE Ministry also needs volunteers to drive the Avondale bus. To volunteer or inquire, contact Stefanie Mitchell.
Find out more about Kids Café, ACE Summer Camp, updates on Camp Grier scholarships and ways you can get involved with the ACE ministry at Avondale!
Lunches for the Homeless

Join us the first Wednesday of every month at 9:30 AM. We pack 150 lunches in about 45 minutes with the help of 10 people. Sign-up today using the link below! This is a great opportunity for small groups and families to serve together!

Wednesday, July 6 at 9:30
6 Spots Remaining!

The Offering Plate
Pentecost Special Offering
Today we will receive the PCUSA Pentecost special offering in support of youth and children's ministries!

“nurturing the faith of those who are the church to come!”
40% will stay with Avondale for church youth and children’s programming. The remaining 60% will go to PCUSA supported programming. Thank you for your contribution.
General Offering
The financial gifts you give today are used for God’s ministry here at Avondale and beyond. In addition to auto draft, mailings and the Sunday offering plate, you are invited to give online or scan the QR Code above.
Let us give thanks to God!

If you have any questions or need assistance with your gift offering, please do not hesitate to contact Leah Hackworth, church Financial Coordinator.
Personnel Update
Nursery Coordinator

We are excited to share that Bonnie Howard has accepted the role as nursery coordinator here at Avondale! In fact, today is her first day so if you can, please swing by the nursery after worship and say hello! Bonnie is a long time member of Avondale and previously a leader of our Christian Education team. She is very familiar with Avondale and excited to meet and spend time with some of our youngest disciples!
Financial Coordinator

Sadly, Leah Hackworth, our church Financial Coordinator has resigned and her last day is scheduled for June 23rd. Leah has been very knowledgeable and helpful over the last year in her role and we thank her for her time at Avondale and for sharing her gifts. Below you will find the job description for this part-time role. If you know of someone who is interested and qualified, please share it and have them contact Jessica Shanks in the church office.
Children's Ministry Updates

The nursery is open during worship and Sunday school, 9:45 AM to 12 PM for children ages 3 and under. If you would prefer, we invite you to take your child to the Joyful Noise Room in the children's Sunday school wing. Not sure where that is? Ask a greeter or any Avondaler!

In the Family Life Center you will find a table for children with worship activity bags, Bibles, nursery information and upcoming events for children. We invite you to use the activities and bags during worship if you would like! They are filled with coloring pages, stickers, sensory and fidget toys for busy minds and bodies!
Children's Sunday School
Are you planning for your child to participate? If so, complete the form and help us get to know them better!
Please bring your child to worship where they will participate in the service for the first 20 minutes. Following the children's moment they will be invited to join their Sunday School teacher in walking over to the classrooms. There they will enjoy a lesson, games and snacks. Following worship, you may pick your child up in the classroom building.
Vacation Bible School
Registration Open Now!
Music Ministry
Our Music Ministry will soon go on summer break. Consider joining our Music Ministry this fall! Instruments, choir, band, handbells.... speak with Rich Stanley for details. We give thanks for all who contribute their time and talents as we rejoice in the Lord.
Face Mask 1
Mask Update from the Session

Sunday, March 13, the Session approved the recommendation made by the COVID Safety Task Force to follow the changes in mask mandates set forth by Mecklenburg County, dropping the required indoor face coverings. The Session continues to encourage face coverings during indoor gatherings and asks that you follow CDC guidelines regarding self-screening and quarantine periods should you contract or be exposed to COVID-19.
Avondale Presbyterian
2821 Park Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28209
Phone: 704-333-6194