Worship for October 18, 2020
You'll see some changes to this week's worship email to accommodate two different worship experiences: on Zoom and on campus via FM transmitter. We continue to grow and change and adapt... just as we were created to do.

We're grateful for technology that enables this - and even more grateful for the team that makes the technology happen!
It is a sacred time, this.
And many sacred places, these:
  - places for questions more profound than answers;
  - vulnerability more powerful than strength;
  - and a peace that can pass all understanding.
It is a sacred time, this. 
Let us celebrate the richness and diversity of life.
You’re invited to light a candle to celebrate 
the inherent worth and dignity of every person
and to share that love which is ultimately 
beyond even our cherished reason, 
that love which unites us. 
Join Shadow Rock Spirit Radio Hour!
~via Zoom or from the SRUCC Parking Lot
Adult Spiritual Formation - 10:00 am
Adult Formation is a time when we can practice application of our values to our experiences! In October, our topic is Redefining Allyship. What does it mean to stand with others? How can we practice being an ally in better, deeper, more intentional ways? Discussion today is focused on intersectionality.

Prelude - 10:50 am
~ a selection from Julie Tuttle

Musical Call to Worship - 11:00 am
"Turn Your Radio On" ~ a special song for today from Forrest

Welcome ~ a good word from Pastor Ken

Welcome Song "We Are the Family"

Announcements ~ Updates and Shenanigans from Pastor Ken
Our Symbolic Life Together
Opening Prayer ~ Led by Karen Richter

A Word from Our Sponsors, Shadow Rock Shoes
~a brief commercial break~

Music ~ "Companions on Our Journey"

Word About Life for Today
Message from Rev. Ken Heintzelman
"The Kingdom of God as a Political Concept"

Your financial support of our community continues to be important and appreciated. The needs of our own congregation and the needs of our neighbors are growing and changing. Click here for Heidi’s Corner, our congregation's financial update. 

Zoom Celebrations and Discussion
Zoom Celebrations
  • Tomorrow is Steve Merrill's 80th birthday! We join Linda and Steve in celebrating. You're invited to send greetings via email.
  • We continue to celebrate families and educators in our community who are doing their best to support and engage with one another in safe and compassionate ways.
  • Shadow Rock is a voting center! We celebrate the beginning of voting season and the arrival of election workers and equipment this coming week.

If YOU have a photo, video, or written greeting for Celebrations, please email Karen. It's a blessing to continue our connections as we gather separately.

Fellowship and Discussion in Zoom Breakout Rooms
Here are this week's questions:
  1. How is the sermon landing for you these days? Do you hear the language of our covenant, values, and theology?
  2. The term Kingdom of God is often understood as heaven or an other worldly reality. What is your understanding? Where did it come from? Have you given it much thought?
  3. Do we cheapen the idea of the Kingdom of God if we make it a political concept?

Re-Gathering in our Zoom Space
At this time, Zoom worshippers can share the insights of their breakout group and get an update on what's happening in the Parking Lot on Shadow Rock Radio.
Celebrations and Prayers shared On Air
If you're joining us from your car, we'll have more Celebrations!

A Word from Our Sponsors, Ultimate Mask
~a brief commercial break~

Prayer Requests and Pastoral Prayer
Sending Forth
One: As surely as we belong to the universe, we belong together.
All: We have gathered here to transcend the isolated self.
To reconnect, To know ourselves to be at home,
One: We strive to be at home in our own bodies: here on earth,
under the sun and the stars,
All: We recognize that we are inextricably linked with
each other.
One: These are the times.
All: We are the people.
One: All of Creation is blessed.
All: May we love all and serve all.
One: May God be with you.
All: And also with you.
One: Amen.
All: Amen.

Sending Forth Song "Weave, Weave"
Your church staff continues to work both remotely and at the church office. The church office is open with limited staff presence on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. We want to keep one another safe and show our love for one another - in that loving spirit, masks that cover nose and mouth are required for staff and visitors.

Shadow Rock leadership continues to discuss dates and best practices for in-person experiences. We will continue to offer virtual and FM radio worship throughout the fall. This is an ongoing conversation. Please contact Pastor Ken via email if you have questions.

Please check your email (Rock the Week on Wednesdays and this announcement space on Sundays) for updates and news about our community. 

Please reach out to the staff or any board member if you need help (including food, financial assistance or medication). You can always call the church office phone (602)993-0050 for instructions on how to connect with Pastor Ken, Lois, or preschool Director Liz Curry.