Worship for October 25, 2020
We're back on the radio this week, with two worship experiences: on Zoom and on campus via FM transmitter. We're grateful for technology and for people power that makes both experiences happen!

Stay tuned, friends.
When prayer becomes rote, it can help to mix up the words. Take a deep breath and try out this alternative version of the Prayer of Jesus:
O God, Creator and Breath-wind which is closest to me,
Reveal yourself in this broken world.
Pour out your compassion and reign over us.
Feed those who are hungry.
Free those who are oppressed.
Forgive us our failures, and find us again and again.
All praise to you -- today and to eternity -- Amen.
~ adapted from Sacred Pauses: Spiritual Practices for Personal Renewal by April Yamasaki
Join Shadow Rock Spirit Radio Hour!
~via Zoom or from the SRUCC Parking Lot
Adult Spiritual Formation - 10:00 am on Zoom
Adult Formation is a time when we can practice application of our values to our experiences! Who is accompanying you into the voting booth? If you’ve already voted, who was on your mind as you marked your ballot? Today, we’ll share our stories of voting and what issues are foremost in our minds in this season.

Prelude - 10:50 am
~ a selection from Julie Tuttle, including 'Amazing Grace' and 'I Saw a Tree by the Riverside'

Musical Call to Worship - 11:00 am
"Turn Your Radio On" ~ a special song from Forrest

Welcome ~ a good word from Pastor Ken

Welcome Song "We Are the Family"

Announcements ~ Updates and Shenanigans from Pastor Ken
Our Symbolic Life Together
Opening Prayer ~ Led by Karen Richter

Choir Correspondent ~ Remote reporting from our intrepid choir director, Forrest Bachtel

A Word from Our Sponsors, The American Association of Young People Trapped in Old Bodies
~a brief commercial break~

Singing Our Faith ~ The Lord's Prayer
~sung responsively, led by Marilyn Rampley and Karen Richter

Our Creator, in Heaven, 
Hallowed be thy name!
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On earth, as in heaven.
Give us, this day, our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those
Who trespass against us.
Save us from the time of trial.
And deliver us
from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours!
Now and Forever.

Word About Life for Today
Message from Rev. Ken Heintzelman
"The Political Philosophy of Jesus: Jubilee As a Political Idea"
Zoom Celebrations and Discussion
Zoom Celebrations
This week, we're making a brave attempt to share celebrations between and among those joining the service by Zoom and those in the Parking Lot. Expect joyful chaos!

Fellowship and Discussion in Zoom Breakout Rooms
Here are this week's questions:
  1. How is the sermon landing for you these days? Do you hear the language of our covenant, values, and theology?
  2.  Jubilee was a profound idea with disrupting economic and social implications when applied. Should we or could we do Jubilee today?

Re-Gathering in our Zoom Space
At this time, Zoom worshippers can share the insights of their breakout group and get an update on what's happening in the Parking Lot on Shadow Rock Radio.
Celebrations and Prayers shared On Air
Come ready to share, with a written celebration or prayer request!

If you're joining us from your car, we'll have more Celebrations!

A Word from Our Sponsors, Shadow Rock Snack Sack
~a brief commercial break~

We give and Receive: Gifts of Money, Gifts of Prayer and Compassion
Musical Offertory, shared by Julie Tuttle

Your financial support of our community continues to be important and appreciated. The needs of our own congregation and the needs of our beloved neighbors are growing and changing. Click here for Heidi’s Corner, our congregation's financial update. We offer a special thanks today for electronic givers and their faithfulness.

Prayer Requests and Pastoral Prayer

Sending Forth
One: Let us go in faith to ponder in our hearts the mystery and the wonder of this season…
Glorifying the past can never be the key to our future.
All: We need to get a new perspective on today by getting a new vision of tomorrow. 
One: These are the times.
All: We are the people.
One: All of Creation is blessed.
All: May we love all and serve all.
One: May God be with you.
All: And also with you.
One: Amen.
All: Amen.

Sending Forth Song "Weave, Weave"