Worship for November 15, 2020
We’re worshipping on Zoom this week and for the foreseeable future, still grateful for technology, still grateful for one another. 

Be safe and at ease, Shadow Rockers. And, stay tuned.
Autumn in America is the season of colonization. From Columbus Day in mid-October to the casual cultural appropriations of our Halloween celebrations and into the celebration of Thanksgiving, we have multiple opportunities to reflect on and repent from centuries of colonization, conquest, and genocide. 
We Covenant One With Another
Adult Spiritual Formation - 10:00 am
In November, we’re talking about creative prayer practices. Is it possible that when we break open our understandings of prayer, we’re drawn to all kinds of practices, including those that we might think of as traditional? Perhaps. This week’s practice is service to others. 

Transition Music
"Eyes on the Prize," Sweet Honey in the Rock

Welcome and Announcements ~ Pastor Ken
Shadow Rock Happenings This Week Include:
  • Turkey Trot: TODAY! We'll get the live update on this favorite Shadow Rock event.
  • Flu Vaccine Clinic: Tomorrow! 8:30 am to 12:30 pm
  • Stewardship: Like so many things, stewardship looks different this year. Yet our connection and care for one another is constant.

Opening Prayer ~ Karen Richter
Perceiving and Responding
COVID-19 Memorial
Today, we join other faith communities in a national effort to remember and grieve more than 240,000 coronavirus losses in U.S. communities. We appreciate Marilyn Rampley leading our memorial today, which also includes music from Forrest and Carol Bachtel.

Stewardship Moment
Our stewardship campaign - like other parts of life - looks different this year. Today, financial officer Heidi Zinn gives us her perspective on our community's graciousness and consistency. Also, Heidi's weekly financial update can be found here.

Celebrations, Prayer Requests and Pastoral Prayer
We share news of our lives, birthdays, concerns, celebrations, and moments of grace and service.
  • We join Sheryl Davault and Peg Hesley along with their families in celebrating birthdays.
  • We are grateful for Monday evening small groups beginning next Monday, exploring mindful holiday celebrations.
  • We welcome new board members Peg Hesley and Susan Glynn. We're grateful for your gifts, shared in new ways.
  • We honor all people working to expand the goodness of democracy to all, especially Vice-President Elect Kamala Harris, all poll workers, and veterans.
Celebration Song
"Heal Our Land" by Michael Card
Balancing Word and Deed
Word About Life for Today ~ Rev. Ken Heintzelman
"Our Ultimate Cares"

Introduction to Breakout Rooms and Sending Forth Blessing ~ Karen Richter
  • Discussion Questions will be available on the Zoom whiteboard.

Words for Mission ~ Pastor Ken
One: We wait in faith. As we find hope, may we also find strength to share our hope in the world. These are the times.
All: We are the people.
One: All of Creation is blessed.
All: May we love all and serve all.
One: May God be with you.
All: And also with you.
One: Amen.
All: Amen.

Sending Forth Music - "Going Home" - a folk playlist