Worship for November 22, 2020
We’re worshipping on Zoom this week and for the foreseeable future, still grateful for technology, still grateful for one another. 

Be safe and at ease, Shadow Rockers. And, stay tuned.
It shall be said,
“Build up, build up, prepare the way
remove every obstruction from my
People’s way.”
For thus says the high and lofty one
who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy:
I dwell in the high and holy place,
and also with those who are contrite
and humble in spirit,
To revive the spirit of the humble,
and to revive the heart of the contrite.
Peace, peace, to the far and the near,
says the Lord;
and I will heal them.
~Isaiah 57: 14-15, 19
Today is the Sunday called Reign of Christ, the last week of the liturgical year which begins again the first Sunday of Advent. So today is like a churchy New Year’s Eve, a chance to look back briefly before forging on - a time to renew our spirits and whisper “Courage!” to one another before beginning anew.
But what does “Reign of Christ” even mean? In just a few short weeks, we’ll be celebrating the arrival of Jesus of Nazareth as a poor child from a backwater town. What could it mean for our world for the needs of an innocent baby to be the voice of power and authority? What could it mean for us?
We Covenant One With Another
Adult Spiritual Formation - 10:00 am
It's our final week talking about creative prayer practices. This week’s practice is REST. In a society that places value on productivity and wealth, rest is wonderfully countercultural.

Transition Music
"Lovely, Needy People," by The Many
Note the chorus kyrie eleison means “Christ, have mercy.”

Worship Begins - 11:00 am

Welcome and Announcements ~ Pastor Ken
Shadow Rock Happenings This Week Include:
  • Turkey Trot appreciation
  • Stewardship: Like so many things, stewardship looks different this year. Yet our connection and care for one another is constant.

Opening Prayer ~ Karen Richter
Perceiving and Responding
Giving and Stewardship
Our stewardship campaign - like other parts of life - looks different this year. The things that haven't changed are our care for one another, our faithfulness, and our shared awareness of the needs of our neighbors and community. We are appreciative! Heidi's Corner, the weekly update from our financial officer, can be found here.

Celebrations, Prayer Requests and Pastoral Prayer
We share news of our lives, birthdays, concerns, celebrations, and moments of grace and service. Please unmute to share your celebration in the Zoom worship space or use the 'raise hand' function in the participant list.
Celebration Song
"For the Fruit of All Creation" shared by Forrest and Carol Bachtel
Balancing Word and Deed
Word About Life for Today ~ Rev. Ken Heintzelman
"From the Foundation of the World"

Introduction to Breakout Rooms and Sending Forth Blessing ~ Karen Richter
  • Did you hear echoes of our vision and covenant in the message this morning?
  • As a group, come up with one question to ask Pastor Ken about the parable.
  • Sometimes we are like the sheep and sometimes we are like the goats. If there is a cosmic scale of good and bad, what ultimately tips the scale one way or the other?

Words for Mission ~ Pastor Ken
One: We share deep gratitude for one another. May this week give us peace and strengthen our ties to those we love. These are the times.
All: We are the people.
One: All of Creation is blessed.
All: May we love all and serve all.
One: May God be with you.
All: And also with you.
One: Amen.
All: Amen.