Adult Spiritual Formation - 10:00 am
We are moving through the season of Lent with its emphasis on reflection, renewal, and preparation. During Lent, we are talking about creativity and joy as part of a social justice journey. We're starting this week by circling around to the way we gather. What peaceful practices and covenants support compassionate conversations? As time permits, our discussion will continue with an exploration of the taxonomy of movements.
Transition Music - Music for Studying, in honor of our Lenten study, Journey of the Spirit
Worship Begins - 11:00 am
Welcome and Announcements ~ Pastor Ken
As worship begins, we pause to welcome and extend greetings to anyone visiting us this week! No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.
Call to Worship
One: Beloveds, why have you come to worship this morning?
All: We come to celebrate the love of God shown to us in the ministry of Jesus and in many beautiful forms.
One: This love reaches through the shadows of our lives to embrace us. Our challenge is to trust this light in the midst of our struggles.
All: We come to celebrate the light of God which offers love and acceptance.
One: All are welcome as we celebrate the love that permeates our lives and indeed the whole universe.
Opening Prayer ~ Karen Richter