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Worship for May 31, 2020
No matter who you are
or where you are on life's journey,
you are welcome here!
Let's Get Started

Faith Formation - new format!
Beginning today, we’re in a super-practical skill building series on the basics of pastoral care. To participate in today’s discussion, click the Zoom link at the bottom of this email at 10:45 am (in other words, just sign onto the zoom passing the peace link a little early). Our guiding questions today are: 
When have we experienced good pastoral care? This could be from a clergy person or from a friend/therapist/relative. "Pastoral" is about quality of care, not the person doing the caring.
What conditions and skills are needed for pastoral care excellence?

You'll find more formation resources (Spirituality Thursday videos) on the Shadow Rock Facebook page.

Children's Faith Formation
What does Pentecost mean? Is it just “the church’s birthday” or is it more? Take some time this week (adults and children alike!) to ponder the two big symbols of Pentecost - wind and flame. Maybe use this coloring sheet to remind you of the power of Spirit.

Making Space for Mourning and Lament
What response are we called to make in these times? See the Call to Lament on the Sojourners website.
Writer and speaker Diana Butler Bass has powerful and timely words in her Pentecost sermon .
"Today" from Middle Collegiate Church's Gospel Choir
In these times, we sometimes have the experience of each day being much the same as the day before. May this song remind us of the tremendous potential and giftedness of each day.
Welcome and Announcements
It’s Pentecost Sunday! Today, we renew our faith in Spirit and affirm that Church is where the people live abundantly, work tirelessly, and give extravagantly.

Please check your email frequently for updates and news about our closure. Please reach out if you need help - you can always call the church office phone (602)993-0050 for instructions on how to connect with Pastor Ken, Lois, or preschool Director Liz Curry.

Shadow Rock's staff and leadership continue to learn new way to stay connected while our campus is closed. We appreciate your support and patience. Your ideas, suggestions, and input are both welcome and needed.

Next week, June 7, we'll be collecting the United Church of Christ special offering, Strengthen the Church. This offering supports the expansion of ministry and growth of UCC local congregations. Your support will help the UCC fulfill its commitment to investing in new ministries and practices that meet the needs of local communities.

June 14 is Shadow Rock Shares Sunday! What are you making or baking, knitting or painting, writing or singing in these pandemic times? Our covenant calls us to a comprehensive view of life, seeing fully and clearly both good and bad. Stay tuned for ways to share your creativity or just your boredom projects with Shadow Rock friends. 
Call to Worship and Opening Prayers
Call to Worship
Shared by Karen Richter
Light your candle and join me in this Call to Worship:
We arrive at this time and place, together and separate,
jostled and distracted.
We trail clouds of many days of grief and worry.

We come to center ourselves once more;
To touch again that place inside
Where we are most at home with who we have become;
Even now - especially now - to find once more that place of calm
Where we're not isolated from each other.

This week has been hard and full of fear and grief. It’s hard to mourn - even harder to mourn from a safe distance. We do our best to hold space for each other anyway.

We come to re-weave the unraveling fabric of community; 
To re-connect once more with the larger human family; 
To remind ourselves that we belong to one another and to God.
And this belonging isn’t just warm fuzzy feelings- it’s standing up, standing strong, pairing our kindness with courage.

And so we come —
To center ourselves, To open ourselves, To remember ourselves,
And to celebrate the life we share together.

Praying with Our Bodies
Learn to Pass the Peace in American Sign Language

Opening Prayer
We pause in stillness.
We believe in a Spirit
That holds together all that exists,
That sustains connectedness and relationships within us and indeed in all things!

In our sacred imaginations, we see that this Spirit emerged into visibility here on Earth
In diversity beyond our imagining
In flowers and plants
In animals
In the ocean’s inhabitants
Long, long before human life emerged.

With determined hearts, we gather this day…
Grateful for the Spirit within us
To strengthen us when we feel weak,
To warm us when we are cold-hearted,
To bend us when we are stubborn,
To guide us in the way of love.

The Prayer of Jesus
Our Loving God who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day, our daily bread,
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
And the power and the glory forever.  Amen.

We Celebrate With Music and Giving
Special Music for Pentecost

Thank you Forrest and Carol for sharing your gifts.

Friends, we are staying connected by sharing each other’s thoughts and celebrations. Please send your celebrations (picture, words, or video) to Pastor Ken at . If you need some tech help with this, please let us know.

Celebrating the Wisdom and Resilience of Youth -
God, Creator of All,
In your wisdom you have bound us together
so that we must depend on one another.
For the abundance in our lives, for the abundance of Creation, for the opportunity to give: 
We are thankful.

Thank you everyone for your love and support of Shadow Rock! Your financial support and donations are more important than ever as we go through this unprecedented time of uncertainty. Thank you if you are an E-giver, as this helps with a consistent cash flow and support of all our ministries.  Click here to read Heidi's Corner for current numbers. Please, consider trying E-giving for a season as we are not receiving mail at this time.  If you’d like to try E-giving or would like to donate to any of the special offerings please follow these links to Donate Now , or contact Heidi .

If you are in need of food, utility assistance, water, or medications, please contact any staff or board member.

Special Music for Pentecost
The Word About Life For Today
Pastor Ken's Interview with Ahmad Daniels
"Reflections on Racial Justice"
Message - Essential Functions: Prayer
Shared by Rev. Ken Heintzelman
Words for Mission and Sending Forth
May we today be touched by Grace and by Spirit.
May we move beyond viewing this life only through a frame,
but touch it and be touched by it,
know it and be known by it,
Love it, and be loved by it.

In all our joys and in all our concerns, may we be ever mindful
of the presentness of the sacred among us,
and to see the new possibilities of the now.

These are the times!
We are the people.
All of Creation is blessed.
May we love all and serve all.
May God be with you.

Sending Forth Music
"Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness," a Shadow Rock favorite to sing from wherever you may be.
Connections Online - Zoom and Facebook Live
Connections via Zoom Videoconference
Adult Spiritual Formation Discussion at 10:45 am
Virtual Coffee Chat and Fellowship at 11:00 am

If you have trouble and need assistance or if you would like to join by voice only, please reach out to a member of the staff for on-the-spot tech support.
Karen Richter ~
voice or text at 623-466-4472
Heidi Zinn ~
voice or text at 480-510-4202
After Zoom, please join us on Facebook Live for continuing conversation and fellowship!