Worship for June 21, 2020
extravagant welcome

No matter who you are
or where you are on life's journey,
you are welcome here!
Opening Meditation
Blessing In a Time of Violence by Jan Richardson

Which is to say
this blessing
is always.
Which is to say
there is no place
this blessing
does not long
to cry out
in lament,
to weep its words
in sorrow,
to scream its lines
in sacred rage.
Which is to say
there is no day
this blessing ceases
to whisper
into the ear
of the dying,
the despairing,
the terrified.
Which is to say
there is no moment
this blessing refuses
to sing itself
into the heart
of the hated
and the hateful,
the victim
and the victimizer,
with every last
ounce of hope
it has.
Which is to say
there is none
that can stop it,
none that can
halt its course,
none that will
still its cadence,
none that will
delay its rising,
none that can keep it
from springing forth
from the mouths of us
who hope,
from the hands of us
who act,
from the hearts of us
who love,
from the feet of us
who will not cease
our stubborn, aching
marching, marching
until this blessing
has spoken
its final word,
until this blessing
has breathed
its benediction
in every place,
in every tongue:

—from The Cure for Sorrow: A Book of Blessings for Times of Grief
Shared from the author’s Facebook page
Welcome and Announcements
Please check your email frequently for updates and news about our community. Specifically, look for correspondence sent this week about July Sabbath, our new small group ministry, and the June 28 Congregational Meeting. 

Shadow Rock's staff and leadership continue to learn new ways to stay connected while our campus is closed. We appreciate your support and patience. Your ideas, suggestions, and input are both welcome and needed. Please reach out if you need help - you can always call the church office phone (602)993-0050 for instructions on how to connect with Pastor Ken, Lois, or preschool Director Liz Curry.

Today is Father’s Day. We pause in gratitude and awareness for the presence of encouraging and protective men in our lives. When men are strong enough to be nurturing, families and cultures become healthier spaces for all.
Call to Worship and Opening Prayer
Call to Worship
Shared by Karen Richter
We’ve been encouraging each other to light a candle wherever you are on Sunday mornings as you read or listen to the Call to Worship. Candles (and other forms of fire) are ancient symbols of the presence of God.

We are met in the presence of the Sacred
And we do not meet alone.
With saints and guides, our own and those we share,
We gather to worship this present God.
With those of every time and place who work for justice,
We gather to celebrate this present God.
With people of faith and conscience throughout the world,
We gather to honor this present God.
We are met in the presence of the Sacred we name God
And we do not meet alone.

Opening Prayer
Adapted from "Prophetic Witness: A Prayer of Remembrance and Hope" by Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Kirk-Duggan 

Loving God of righteousness, of mercy, and of possibility:
We bless you for lovingly creating us to be in community, to be in relation. 
Thank you for the beauties of creation, of life, of our very being.
You call us to do justice and to be in relationships of loving-kindness
with our neighbor, our community, our country, our universe, and ourselves.
We confess our failures to love our neighbors, ourselves, and you.

We confess our failure to address systemic injustice in the forms of racism, patriarchy, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and ageism. 

We confess our failure to love our neighbors, as poverty abounds domestically and globally.

We confess our failure to love our children well.

We confess our failure to have a flexible society, one where people who are deemed different are free to be themselves without harassment or harm.

Merciful God: we have perpetrated and defended violence by church, by state, and by individuals. We have failed to take action that would help transform our culture into one that more closely reflects your dreams for our species. 

In these times, help us to do justice, to honor the humanity of each person, to transform our systems of family, church, education, and government. Our prayers join those of many people in many places this day. Amen.
We Celebrate With Music and Giving
Friends, this time in our worship that we call ‘Celebrations’ has a long and cherished history in our life together. It’s harder right now than we’re used to. And yet, we are staying connected by sharing the ups and downs, beauties and difficulties, in each other’s lives. We need to hear from you! Please send your celebrations - pictures, words, or video in whatever format - to Pastor Ken at ken@shadowrockucc.org. If you need some tech help with this, please let us know.

Special Music
Thank you to Mike Gattorna for sharing this!
God, Creator of All,
We affirm these words from our tradition in the spirit of
Francis of Assisi: 
it is in giving that we receive. 
It is in letting go and forgiveness that we are made free for joy.
For the opportunity to give and to serve: 
We are thankful.

Thank you for your love and support of Shadow Rock. Right now, your financial support is more important than ever. Shadow Rock leadership offers a special appreciation to E-givers, as electronic giving provides consistent cash flow and support for our ministries. For the weekly giving update, please click here for Heidi’s Corner .  If you’d like to try E-giving or would like to donate to any of the special offerings please follow these links to Donate Now , or contact Heidi .

If you are in need of food, utility assistance, water, or medications, please contact any staff or board member.
The Word About Life For Today
"Kindred Spirits in a Time of Unrest"
Pastor Ken Visits With Brittany Wideman
and Hubert Hirwa
Message - The Cathedral Within, Continued
Shared by Rev. Ken Heintzelman
Our Online Community Via Zoom
Connections via Zoom Videoconference
If you have trouble and need assistance or if you would like to join by voice only, please reach out to a member of the staff for on-the-spot tech support.
Karen Richter karen@shadowrockucc.org ~
voice or text at 623-466-4472
Heidi Zinn heidi@shadowrockucc.org ~
voice or text at 480-510-4202

Adult Spiritual Formation Discussion at 10:30 am
We’re finishing up a skill building series on the basics of pastoral care. To participate in today’s discussion, click the Zoom link at the top of this box at 10:30 am. We’re discussing the pastoral care skill of boundary setting today. Healthy, consistent boundaries are necessary for both the caregiver and the person seeking care. Click this link for a handout with considerations connected to boundaries in our care for one another. Everyone is welcome - expect a great conversation!

Fellowship and Passing the Peace at 11:00 am
Grab an extra cup of coffee if you choose and spend some time with your church family.
Words for Mission and Sending Forth
Let there now be a silence among us…
( Silence )

In the stillness of early morning,
In the heat of the midday sun,
In the cool of the evening,
In the dark of night… 
God’s presentness can be seen and felt.
And we are blessed.
( Silence )

These are the times.
We are the people.
All of Creation is blessed.
May we love all and serve all.
May God be with you. (And also with you!)

Sending Forth Music
"Be Thou My Vision," sing with joy from wherever you may be.