Worship for August 2, 2020

Energizing the Worshipping Community
Opening Reflection
"After a dinner party" ~ by Madeleine L’Engle

Sitting around your table
as we did, able
to laugh, argue, share
bread and wine and companionship, care
about what someone else was saying, even
if we disagreed passionately: Heaven,
we’re told, is not unlike this, the banquet celestial,
eternal convivium. So the praegustum terrestrium
partakes - for me, at least - of sacrament.
(Whereas the devil, ever intent
on competition, invented the cocktail party where
one become un-named, un-manned, de-personned.) Dare
we come together, then, vulnerable, open, free?
Yes! Around your table we
knew the Holy Spirit, come to bless
the food, the host, the hour, the willing guest.
Call to Worship
Shared by Nanci Campbell

In the beginning, God made the world:
Made it and mothered it,
Shaped it and fathered it,
Filled it with seed and signs of fertility,
Filled it with love and its folk with ability.

All that is tender, firm, fragrant and curious,
God's is the hand that created you.
All that speaks, sings, cries, laughs or keeps silent,
God's is the hand that created you.

The world belongs to Creativity God, the earth and all its people.
We Celebrate With Music and Giving
Celebrations enrich our lives individually and communally. Today we rejoice to recognize the 98th birthday of the amazing Betsy Davis.

Special Music
Thanks Forrest and Carol for ' Let All the World In Every Corner Sing .'
Spirit of life and love, we have gathered in this sacred place, again.
May we create here a circle of love,
ever expanding,
ever growing.

A place of creativity.
A place of generosity.
A place of abundance.
May it be so.

Your financial support of our community continues to be important and appreciated. Click here for Heidi’s Corner, our weekly financial update. 
The Word About Life For Today
Interview Series - "Brother Talk"
Pastor Ken Interviews KJZZ's Matt Casey
Brother Talk is an interview series highlighting our core value of justice. This week, we are excited about journalist Matt Casey, who's exploring the ethics of media and journalism.
"The Unknown God is the God of the Unknown"
The text this week is from Acts, chapter 17 , verses 22 to 28. For additional background, check this link from March (you'll want to move forward to time stamp 12:30). The sermon will be LIVE this morning on Zoom! Click the button below to join our Zoom worship space at 11:00 am.
Our Online Community Via Zoom
Word About Life for Today by Rev. Ken Heintzelman

Communion and Fellowship at 11:00 am
Please prepare for our celebration of the Table of Jesus by gathering the communion elements of your choice.

In faith and love, gathered in many places,
we celebrate the brightness of community
and the heat and stillness of late summer.

At our tables, desks, and couches, we give thanks for those
around us - family, neighborhood, church.  
May God be with us all.

God of the summer’s day,
All: Praise and wonder be.
God of the lingering sunset and early dawn,
All: Praise and wonder be.
God of the hot breeze and the welcome shade,
All: Praise and wonder be.

In our praise and thanksgiving we also remember the ways of Jesus
who walked the dusty roads of Galilee,
who taught from seashore and mountainside,
who told stories of the sower and the seed,
the lilies of the field, and the birds of the air.
May we, too, know your presentness in creation, story, community.

Through grain and grape, bread and wine,
We remember and give thanks.

Be present with us now, Enfolding God,
as we share this symbolic meal.
Let your Holy Spirit brood among us this day and always.

Following our time of fellowship, we will close with these Words for Mission:

The chorus of suns and planets announces the
beginning of each new day.
All: Each earth rotation births new possibilities
and beckons fresh challenges.
The laughter of oceans and the wailing of winds
reflect the human condition.
All: Each week declares we are in the world
and determines we are of the world.
It begins with us. It begins right now. These are the times.
All: We are the people.
All of Creation is blessed.
All: May we love all and serve all.
May God be with you.
All: And also with you!
All: Amen.
Announcements and Reminders
Please check your email frequently for updates and news about our community.

Shadow Rock's staff and leadership continue to learn new ways to stay connected in spacious solidarity while our campus is closed. We appreciate your support and patience. Your ideas, suggestions, and input are both welcome and needed. Please reach out if you need help - you can always call the church office phone (602) 993-0050 for instructions on how to connect with Pastor Ken, Lois, or preschool Director Liz Curry.

If you are in need of food, financial assistance, or medication, please reach out to any staff person or board member.