Adult Spiritual Formation -
Exploring the Iceberg Model of Culture at 10:00 am
The iceberg model is a way of talking about how unexplored assumptions and values influence action, relationships, and speech. Today, we move closer to home as we look at Shadow Rock's community culture. Why are we doing this work? Because when we are aware of our own culture, we can make sure that culture does not become a source of pain or unwelcome for others.
Word About Life for Today -
by Rev. Ken Heintzelman at 11:00 am
In this season, friends, we’re listening to the sermon live on Zoom right at 11:00 am. If you have questions about what to expect or want to hear some self-care suggestions to prevent Zoom-related burnout, please use the chat box.
Coffee Chat and Discussion
Immediately following the sermon
We're getting more adept at the online tools available to us. Today we'll be using the feature 'Breakout Rooms' to allow for more personalized discussion. This is our second opportunity to use Breakout Rooms, and they are such fun. Think about the Breakout Rooms being just like the tables at Coffee Chat - a chance to get to know folks and have a great talk.