Worship for August 30, 2020
Opening Reflection
“Contemplative Prayer” from Common Prayer: a Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals

Over and over Scripture invites us to abide in God. To rest in God. To dwell in God. More than 50 times, Paul repeats the phrase “in Christ.” Contemplative prayer is not just about activity and speaking but also about listening and resting in God. Many of us have grown up thinking of prayer as a checklist of requests to God, like giving a grocery list to someone headed to the supermarket. As one kid said, “I’m heading off to pray - does anyone need anything?” Prayer is certainly about sharing our concerns and frustrations with God… Still, contemplative prayer goes deeper. 
Call to Worship
Among us, Creativity God conceives new life! And we feel this life within us.

Our spirits are stirred to action. What actions are most excellent?

To gladden the heart of a human being.
To feed the hungry.
To help the afflicted.
To lighten the sorrow of the sorrowful.
To remove the wrongs of the injured.

We pray as worship begins: Spirit, come into this place. We come in, bringing our whole selves.

Friends: Know that you are not alone.
There is strength and caring support for you here as we worship together.
We Celebrate With Music and Giving

Today we celebrate a milestone of love and commitment: Happy 50th Anniversary to Barb and Jim Geer. Their children, Michelle, Jeremy, and Jamey, and their families, would like to invite you all to a "social distancing" celebratory drive-by. Barb and Jim will be in their front yard--shaded and masked, of course--ready to wave to everyone who passes by. There will be cake! Please stop by to offer your best wishes at 11 West Monte Cristo Avenue today between 5:30 and 7:30 pm. 

If YOU have a photo, video, or written greeting for Celebrations, please email Karen

Celebration Song - "Atheists Don’t Have No Songs” by Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers

Special Music
A Shadow Rock favorite! Thanks Forrest and Carol for 'Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness.'
Spirit of Life, In this quiet hour may our spirits be renewed by giving. Amen.

Your financial support of our community continues to be important and appreciated. The needs of our own congregation and the needs of our beloved neighbors are growing and changing. Click here for Heidi’s Corner, our weekly financial update. 
Our Online Community Via Zoom
Adult Spiritual Formation - 
Exploring the Iceberg Model of Culture at 10:00 am
View Fall topics here!

The iceberg model is a way of talking about how unexplored assumptions and values influence action, relationships, and speech. Today, we move closer to home as we look at Shadow Rock's community culture. Why are we doing this work? Because when we are aware of our own culture, we can make sure that culture does not become a source of pain or unwelcome for others.

Word About Life for Today -
by Rev. Ken Heintzelman at 11:00 am

In this season, friends, we’re listening to the sermon live on Zoom right at 11:00 am. If you have questions about what to expect or want to hear some self-care suggestions to prevent Zoom-related burnout, please use the chat box. For on-the-spot tech assistance, call or text Karen at 623-466-4472.

Coffee Chat and Discussion -
Immediately following the sermon
We're getting more adept at the online tools available to us. Today we'll be using the feature 'Breakout Rooms' to allow for more personalized discussion. If this is your first time with Breakout Rooms, think about them being just like the tables at Coffee Chat - a chance to get to know folks and have a great talk.

Here are this week's questions from Pastor Ken:
The first assumption is that we are the embodiment of the paradox of universality and particularity. We stand on the mountain reaching for the stars, but our feet are planted on the ground. The first question for your discussion is this: Does this metaphor work for you and have you had this experience of living or caught in between?
The second question is this: Do we experience life as a long list of losses and lack gaps? What do you do with this reality? Is most of life a facing of this truth or a denial of this truth?
Final question: Do you resist “planting your flag” into any particular mountain of fear of losing sight of the stars?

Announcements and Reminders
Church Office Update: Your church staff continues to work remotely and serve our community in a deployed way. At the same time, we have taken an opportunity to reassess. The church office will be opening with limited staff presence on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. We want to keep one another safe and show our love for one another - in that loving spirit, masks are required for staff and visitors.

Please check your email (Rock the Week on Wednesdays and this announcement space on Sundays) for updates and news about our community. 

Please reach out to the staff or any board member if you need help (including food, financial assistance or medication). You can always call the church office phone (602)993-0050 for instructions on how to connect with Pastor Ken, Lois, or preschool Director Liz Curry.