Worship for August 9, 2020

Encouraging the Worshiping Community
Opening Reflection
Call to Worship
Shared by Karen Richter

Every creature is a facet of the Divine!
Creation tells the story of Wholeness and Holiness!

On an August morning it is a good morning to be together!
Drawn by the warm promise of community,
simultaneously familiar and new,
to the welcoming space of our sacred places, 
both those places we share and those places we do not.
Wherever we find ourselves, let us be open to new
understanding, reassurance, and hope.
Our community is a place where truth, love, and challenge meet.
It is a good morning to be together. 

Spirit of Life, our prayers often begin with a make-believe: we pretend that it’s necessary to invite your presence. We pretend that it’s at all possible to gather without You. We pause to recognize that it is you who call us to life and to family and to community. Your breath animates everything around us. Every inch of creation is holy ground. In this spirit of awe, we gather in thanksgiving.
We Celebrate With Music and Giving
Today we celebrate the start of a new school year for teachers, school personnel and families in our congregation and our neighborhoods, and across the country. May your learning and growing together be peaceful and safe.

Special Music
Thanks Forrest and Carol for 'Weave, Weave.'
May our spirits be renewed.
May our minds be open to new truth.
May we give thanks for this life we are blessed to share.

Your financial support of our community continues to be important and appreciated. Click here for Heidi’s Corner, our weekly financial update. 
Interview With the Pastor: a Series of Chats
"Widening the Welcome"
Pastor Ken Interviews Southwest Conference
Lay Minister Michael Curry
Widening the Welcome is that part of Ken's interview series highlighting our core value of inclusion. This week, we are excited about Ken's talk with Michael Curry, whose service to the Southwest Conference centers on disability inclusion, awareness, and education.
Our Online Community Via Zoom
Adult Spiritual Formation -
Exploring the Iceberg Model of Culture at 10:00 am

The iceberg model is a way of talking about how unexplored assumptions and values influence action, relationships, and speech.

Word About Life for Today -
by Rev. Ken Heintzelman at 11:00 am

In this season, friends, we’re listening to the sermon live on Zoom right at 11:00 am. To enhance your experience, you may want to choose Speaker View in the upper right corner of your Zoom window. This can cut down on the distractions of seeing everyone’s faces. Please mute your microphone during the sermon. You may also want to click Stop Video to take a break from being visible to everyone. Finally, “Zoom Fatigue” is a real thing. Especially if you’ve participated in 10:00 am spiritual formation, you can expect to be tired when our Zoom time is over. Schedule some self-care before and after long screen time commitments!

Coffee Chat and Discussion -
Immediately following the sermon
Inclusion is a nice warm fuzzy idea but there are some significant challenges? What are they and how are we doing?
Announcements and Reminders
Next week is our Welcome Back Potluck! What does a potluck look like while our campus is closed? We're not sure, but here are some ideas:
  • Fix something tasty to eat during our Zoom time together.
  • Choose a favorite recipe to share with friends (email your recipe and instructions to Karen).
It might feel a little odd, but it will be a good time together no matter what.

Shadow Rock's staff and leadership continue to learn new ways to stay connected in spacious solidarity while our campus is closed. We appreciate your support and patience. Your ideas, suggestions, and input are both welcome and needed. Please reach out if you need help - you can always call the church office phone (602) 993-0050 for instructions on how to connect with Pastor Ken, Lois, or preschool Director Liz Curry.

If you are in need of food, financial assistance, or medication, please reach out to any staff person or board member.