Adult Spiritual Formation - 10:00 am
Worship Workshop: "What makes a worship service a good experience?"
In September, we’ll be using the 10:00 hour to reflect on our experiences of worship. What elements do we treasure? Are there ways to enhance our experiences through greater participation? What feels right to our community? We'll be using hymn composer and liturgist Ruth Duck's Worship for the Whole People of God as a resource. All are welcome to discuss and ponder together.
Word About Life for Today - 11:00 am
by Rev. Ken Heintzelman
In this season, friends, we’re listening to the sermon live on Zoom right at 11:00 am. If you have questions about what to expect or want to hear some self-care suggestions to prevent Zoom-related burnout, please use the chat box. For on-the-spot tech assistance, call or text Karen at 623-466-4472.
Communion and Discussion -
Immediately following the sermon
Right after the sermon, we'll use the Zoom feature 'Breakout Rooms' to allow for more personalized discussion. If this is your first time with Breakout Rooms, think about them being just like the tables at Coffee Chat - a chance to get to know folks and have a great talk. Please don't feel pressure to participate in any particular way - just listening is good too.
Here are this week's questions from Pastor Ken:
Does what has been shared with you capture the discussion over the last two Sundays, or have you heard something new and different in this summary? What resonates with you? What have you heard different or for the first time? What part of this do you resist, and why?
I have made biblical references to green pastures, still clean waters, and the Golden Rule. I am using familiar and specific references to our wisdom tradition to make a point of a universal human experience of exploration. Can you make any correlations between the biblical narratives and the metaphor of “map reading?
Can you identify a time in your life when you valued the practical over the spiritual, or the spiritual over the practical? Do you remember any consequences or regrets?