Prelude: “Simple Gifts” (J. Wayne Kerr)
Mary Bahnfleth
Greeting and Welcome
Rev. Sarah Coker Voigt
Anthem: “I Was Glad” (traditional, arr. Pat Messick), based on Psalm 122:1
Children’s Choir
Call to Worship
One: Together let us declare – the world is the Lord’s and all that is in it!
All: Come, let us go to the house of the Lord.
One: In the sounds of the world around us, we listen for the voice of the Holy
All: Come let us notice the gift of God’s presence.
One: That our hearts might leap for joy, that our minds would never forget, that in the very midst of our days, together we would remember –
All: This is God’s wondrous world! Come, let us go to the house of the Lord.
Opening Hymn: “This Is My Father’s World” (UMH 144)
Presentation of 3rd Grade Bibles
Oscar Connelly, Nora Essick, Leopold Hilse, and Desiree Stamplis
Passing the Peace
Rev. Sarah Coker Voigt
Children’s Message
Marcia Perdew
Gospel Lesson: Matthew 7:7-20 (NRSV)
Lauren Bonsall
Dr. Darrin Thornton
Sermon: “A Mutual Giftedness”
Rev. Sarah Coker Voigt
Anthem: “The Perfect Wisdom of Our God” (Keith Getty and Stuart Townend; arr. Molly Ijames)
Chancel Choir
Pastoral Prayer
Rev. Sarah Coker Voigt
Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn: “God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens” (UMH 150) (alt tune 731)
Postlude: Sortie on “Simple Gifts” (Martin Ellis)
Mary Bahnfleth