Sunday December 2nd
Second Sunday after Christmas
The 9th Sunday of Christmas
We will celebrate the sacrament of the Lord's supper. Please take a moment to gather your elements so that you may partake.
Adult Fellowship: Is currently on pause we will keep you posted.

Confirmation class will meet after worship - January 9th.

Discovering the Bible - Tuesday January 4th 7:00 pm. Join in person or on ZOOM - The ZOOM link will be sent 1 hour prior to the meeting. Contact the church office 631-765-2597 or click here to learn more on our website.

Thomas Cardone 01/03 John Borzilleri 01/04,
Cole Brigham 01/05, Jane Doroski 01/05,
Ralph Edwards 01/05, Jaden Flythe 01/06,
Ashley Loreto 01/07.
Financial Assistance is available. Please do not struggle to make ends meet during this difficult time. The Session has made funds available to assist. Go to our website or reach out to speak with Rev. Kelley. The Bible teaches us to give, but being able to receive a gift with gratitude is a sign of a healthy, humble spirit, which is also pleasing to God.
 Our identity can been seen in our most recent vision statement:
“The Table is large; come help us follow Jesus Christ into the world. Enlivened by four centuries of service and emboldened by what lies ahead, we follow Jesus Christ in compassion, discipleship, hospitality, outreach,
peacemaking, and worship.”