10am In-Person Worship

Holy Communion, "O Beautiful for Spacious Skies" and, as a postlude, Merle Haggard's "Soldier's Last Letter" by Dane and the Band.

Summer at Our Savior's

Kids Club and Godly Play continue into the Summer Sundays

Sometimes inside, sometimes outside, this ministry with children is important. Talk to Mrs Cooper and Kendyll about ways to volunteer.


Snakes in the Nature Park 5pm Wed June 7

FFG, Preschool and EveryOne mark the end of the school year with food trucks, the Reptile Lady, outdoor worship and community building. Leave us a note on your yellow slip.

Cathedral of Green Sundays

Worship together Sundays July 16, 23 and 30 outdoors. Let us know if you can help with set up and take down, hospitality and leading worship.

Worship Leader’s Training and Review

11am Sunday June 11 for 30 minutes of orientation and refreshing on ways to serve as greeter, usher, communion server or acolyte. Leave a note on your yellow slip.

June 4, Congregational Annual Meeting

In-Person and Online.

10am Worship on Sunday, June 4, concludes with the Annual Meeting:

Elections, Finance Update and latest news about “Outside at Our Savior’s” as we meet at the end of worship on Sunday, June 4. 

Zoom Link HERE


Pentecost Sunday

“They were all together one place...All of them filled with the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:1,4


"Can I Take Him Home?"

Sounders Soccer Game!

10 Tickets Left

July 1, day out at a Sounders Game. We have tickets at a reduced price of $30 and a section for our congregation and friends! Contact Kendyll Mathiason for more information. 

Renting the Beige House!

The beige house renovation's nearly complete and ready for rental.

Contact Rick Parchem

Making Waves

6pm Wednesdays. Contact Dane Ueland

Flames and Games

7pm Flames and Games in the Fireside Room. Activities, games, friendship building and prayers. Starting in June,

flames and games will be outside!

Contact Kendyll Mathiason

Our Neighbors in Need

Our Savior's volunteers partner with other congregations to advocate and serve our neighbors in need. Hot meals, sack lunches, dignity and kindness. Want to help?

Contact Leasha Brown.

Low Impact Dance Fitness with Rosa Starts This Afternoon

1:30pm Thursdays, Our Savior's Fellowship Hall. The class offers a modified dance fitness.

Low intensity, easy to follow and can be done standing or sitting. It's free.

Contact Rosa Shurtz 425.275.8506.

The Council has Appointed a Task Force

Outside at Our Savior’s

is a project to replace, repair and enhance all of that for the sake of ministry, creation care, personal safety, public visibility, welcome, efficiency and beauty.


The Council has appointed a Task Force to bring a recommendation to the council on “Outside at Our Savior’s.” The motion means:

  • Dan Squires as Chair and includes, but is not limited to, Carly McGinn, Mike Barthol, Kim Fischer, Mike Larsen, Dale Woodard, Jay Werner, Matt Dougherty, Suzy Oversvee, Bob Walker and Jim Hunt. Member of the staff include Ashley Engler, Preschool Director and Lead Pastor Parks.
  • The task force is hosting forums, analyzing needs, assessing costs, determining what elements can be completed by volunteers and which elements need to be contracted out. They will draft a recommended timeline for construction.

Watch for more news at the annual meeting and in weeks to come.

Task force leader

Contact Dan Squires

We Give Thanks for You!

We are blessed by the generous financial support of all the members and friends of Our Savior’s. Your gifts sustain ministry and bless the community.

Some share by means of regular envelopes in the mail. Others have signed up for the automatic electronic transfer program. Check the church website. You’ll see a tab called, “Give.” That opens a menu that has the option to share “Regular Offering.” 

Your Financial Support Makes a Difference

In 2022, 237 households contributed financially to Our Savior's. As of the end of April 2023, there are 199 household that have shared a gift.

Our thanks to EveryOne for generous and regular support for mission and ministry.

Pride Parade 2023

Represent Our Savior’s at

Seattle Pride Parade June 25

We are thankful to all the members and friends of the congregation that have participated in the Pride events celebrating God’s embrace for all people. We say in our Welcome Statement, “Christ has made us one. We are committed to extending this welcome to EveryOne without regard to gender identity, sexual orientation, race, age, socio-economic status, disability, political association, marital status, education or ethnic origin. God’s reconciling love in Christ is at work in EveryOne.”

Lisa Egtvedt is coordinating planning for the Seattle parade for the congregation.

Home Holy Communion 425.252.0413

Pastor Deb and David love to visit and share. We also have a team of Home Holy Communion Ministers. Contact Pastor David

Women of the ELCA

Registration is open for the annual Triennial Gathering of Women is in Phoenix, September 21-24. Read about it HERE or on the bulletin board at church.

Sharing Contributions Online

Visit www.oslc-everett.com and click on the "Give" tab. You'll see your way to share a gift to support the congregation.

There's a way to make a one-time gift or set up an automatic donation to sustain ministry. Please contact our Financial SecretarSheila Bartlett with questions about your giving. Contribute HERE

Mail a gift to 215 W. Mukilteo Blvd, Everett, WA 98203.

Do you need to receive envelopes by mail?
No worries! We are happy to send them to you. If you are already getting them, but don't need them, let us know by clicking HERE. Office Manager Beth Hansen can remove your address from that mailing list so you won't receive unneeded mail.
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We are glad to share this greener version of what used to be a monthly paper newsletter. It saves on our costs, reduces the paper waste and keeps important and timely information in front of our members and friends. If you know of someone who would like to receive this news, have them send us their email address.

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