Please pray for our members, families, and friends.
We lift-up prayers for those among our community who are shut in. Be with them as they are separated in body from their loved ones.
Maryville College Faculty- Prayers for the Maryville College family following the loss of a professor's child. May their community be held in love during this time of loss.
Rich Schenk’s Cousin - Prayers for the Schenk family following the passing of Rich’s cousin, Brian Frazen.
Colwell Family- Please keep the Colwell family in your prayers following the passing of Kristen's father, James Paul Graves. You can read his obituary by following this link.
David Kemp’s Friend - Prayers for friends of David, Jan and Tyra, who have both been diagnosed with cancer.
Millie’s Friend - Millie Sieber lifts up prayers for her friend, Fred, who has been diagnosed with cancer and is receiving treatment.
David Kemp’s friend - Prayers for Paul Coffin, a friend of David’s who is undergoing chemo treatment.
Our country - Millie lifts up prayers for our country and leaders during this contentious election season.
Homeless - Let us pray for those who do not have a safe space to stay on any given night. As warm weather approaches, let us pray for those who are forced by life’s circumstances to sleep outside or wherever they can find.
Ukraine - Let us continue to keep the people of Ukraine in our prayers as the war there continues on well past two years.
Palestine and Israel - Prayers for peace and reconciliation as the war between Palestine and Israel continues.
Sudan Famine - Prayers were lifted up for Sudan which has been moved to famine status. Prayers for all who live there and countries who can help.