Worship Together

Worship Resources of the Christian Church in the Upper Midwest

May | 2022

June 19 Worship

Rev. Joshua Patty

Regional Minister and President

Sunday, June 19 is the date for two widely recognized US holidays.  As the 3rd Sunday of June, it is recognized as Father's Day.  June 19 is also Juneteenth, which celebrates the end of slavery in the United States.

Tradition holds that the last slaves in parts of Texas learned of the Emancipation Proclamation, and their freedom, on June 19, 1865.  Each year on this date, beginning in Texas and spreading far beyond, African-Americans and others have celebrated the end of slavery.

Traditionally, these celebrations were often held in African-American churches.  Over time, many congregations have incorporated Juneteenth into their June worship services.

This year, congregations have an opportunity to recognize both civic holidays in worship.  Many churches have honored fathers and the gifts that men share in nurturing, teaching, and serving.  Juneteenth invites an opportunity for confession regarding the devastation and dehumanization of slavery and celebration of emancipation -- including liberation and justice.  Disciples Home Missions provides some Junettenth worship materials. 

Order Chalice Hymnal and Chalice Praise

This summer, Chalice Press will print a limited run of  Chalice Hymnal and Chalice Praise. Only orders placed by May 15 are guaranteed.  Learn more here.

2022 Regional Calendar


For more details go to the Regional website:


May 15 Installation of Regional Minister, Christian Conference Center, 3 pm

May 26 Regional Operations Council

May 29 Pentecost Special Offering

Jun 1 Camp Season begins

Jun 5 Pentecost; Pentecost Special Offering

Jun 19 Juneteenth

October 14-15

All-Congregational Gathering

Christian Conference Center

Looking for Worship Resources?



Prayers, Liturgies & More:

  • Worship Ways from the United Church of Christ (permission granted to congregations to adapt and use in worship)
  • Worship Planning from United Methodist Church (permission granted to congregations to adapt and use in worship)

Pentecost Special Offering, May 29 & June 57

The Pentecost Special Offering supports new congregations and their leaders throughout the Christian Church.  Three of these new congregations are in the Upper Midwest region: First Pacific Islanders Christian Church (Bismarck, ND), River Valley Disciples (Des Moines, IA), and Chuuk Christian Church (Ottumwa, IA).

New Church Ministry has prepared video and graphic resources, plus a collection of stories about some new congregations.  You can access these resources here.

Sermon/Worship Series Resources:

"Imagine a World with More..."

Our general church is providing all Disciples congregations a 6-week worship series resources, complete with video resources and sermon starters. This series builds on the theme "Imagine God's Limitless Love" by encouraging Christians to "Imagine a World with More..." hope, justice, compassion, etc.

You can read about the series and access materials here. The sermon resource, which provides more details, is available here. A series video is available too.

These resources are made possible through Disciples Mission Fund.

Resources and News

Camp Registration is Still Open

The early bird deadline for our church camps has passed, but registration is still open.  Learn more and register here.

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Resources to Strengthen Your Worship Services

These are some resources that have been featured in previous issues of Worship Together:
Christian Church in the Upper Midwest | www.uppermidwestcc.org
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