Adult Spiritual Formation - 10:00 am
Spiritual formation meets in person and on Zoom this week - 10 o'clock in the Narthex (note this week's change in location). It's a fantastic week in the church calendar, with lots of opportunities for metaphor and exploration. We dive into Pentecost this week at 10 am and everyone is welcome! We are all teachers; we are all learners.
Greeting and Announcements
No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!
The worship reservation form includes a space to share your celebrations and prayer concerns. You can also send an email. For in-the-moment celebrations, please text Pastor Ken at 480-263-3308. In-person worshippers can also write a card with their celebration or prayer concern.
Musical Call to Worship - No Matter Who
Call to Worship
One: What are we doing here? Why do we gather?
All: We remind ourselves how we are related to one another and to the world. We celebrate that relatedness. We are invited to creative transformation, to new lenses with which to see our experiences.
One: Yes! We reaffirm, week after week, our living in this world. We respond, week after week, with awe and gratitude.
All: We celebrate this day the primal elements: Water! Earth! Air! Fire!
One: Each one offering gifts. Each one nurturing life in a particular way.
Zoom worshipper voice: Water: nurturer of life, sustainer of growth, basic to every living thing;
In-person voice: Earth: where every seedling takes root; the ground of our being, our home and point of outlook;
Zoom worshipper voice: Air: in every breath we acknowledge the atmosphere, the elixir of our existence;
In-person voice: Fire: thwarter of cold, light against the darkness, symbol of the burning human spirit.
All: These signify the larger unity of all life and the glory of creation wherein our spirits are embraced.
Centering Silence
Singing Our Faith - She Flies On
Opening Prayer
Reading a Word About Life - Isaiah 11:1-2
A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse,
and a branch shall grow out of his roots.
2 The spirit of the Lord shall rest on him,
the spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the spirit of counsel and might,
the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.