Hybrid Worship
21 November 2021
Good Morning - Welcome to Hybrid Worship!

We're continuing with a single service at 10:15 am, in the sanctuary, on Zoom, and streaming live to YouTube. Our Covenant talks about being "intentionally pointed toward the future." Using technology to share our core values is part of that!

It's a big beautiful Sunday! No matter who you are or how you participate (coming to the campus to joining online), YOU ARE WELCOME AND LOVED.
We Covenant One With Another
Spiritual Formation
Join us for Adult Spiritual Formation by Zoom at 9:00 am or show up in the Shadow Rock Multipurpose Room! Today, we're taking a look at the range of stories in scripture with women characters. Everyone is welcome - come prepared for challenges and surprises, experience and growth.

Next week (November 28), the 9 o'clock hour is a special event: an Advent "Y'all Come" Sing Along. Singers and listeners are welcome in the sanctuary and on Zoom. Thanks Forrest and Julie for making this possible.


Greeting and Announcements
for celebrations and prayer concerns, you can text Pastor Ken at 480-263-3308.

We're excited to hear a report from the Sacred Sites team today.

For All Things Shadow Rock, check out our weekly e-newsletter, Rock the Week. If you're not getting Rock the Week, email the church staff to subscribe.

Call to Worship
One: God of all life and all good gifts attune our ears to hear you today,
All: in the great symphony of creation.
One: God of community open our eyes to see you today,
All: in the drama of nature's interconnectedness.
One: God of our hearts touch our lives so we sense you today,
All: in the beauty and the agony of the world which make up the abundance we call life.

Musical Call to Worship - For the Beauty of the Earth


Prayer for Opening and Closing
Closing our meditation time and moving into worship

Celebrations and Prayer Concerns

Our Whole Lives Liturgy (adapted from "Good Is the Flesh" by Brian Wren)
One: Good is the body from cradle to grave, growing and aging, arousing, impaired.
All: Good is the pleasure of God in our flesh, Good is the flesh that the Word has become.
One: Good is the pleasure of God in our Flesh, longing in all, as in Jesus, to dwell.
All: Good is the body, for good and for God, Good is the flesh that the Word has become. Amen!
One: We give thanks for all those involved in Our Whole Lives: curriculum writers and testers, trainers and facilitators, parents and young folks!
All: This ministry blesses the world! This ministry blesses our community! Amen!

Celebration Song - Now Thank We All Our God
Perceiving and Responding
Pastoral Prayer

Prayer Response -
For the Fruits of All Creation

Stewardship Moment with Ismael Delgado and Offertory
Thank you for your faithful support for Shadow Rock's ministries of care. Our ultimate stewardship is our care for each other.

Dedication of Our Offerings
One: Our gifts have been collected and are now presented in hope and thanksgiving.
All: We offer them for the good of our neighbors, our city, and our world. 
Balancing Word and Deed
Word About Life for Today - Rev. Ken Heintzelman

Sending Forth and Words for Mission
One: The God we worship is never confined to this holy place. So go and travel with the God who is found in ordinary and surprising places. These are the times!
All: We are the people!
One: All of creation is blessed. 
All: May we love all and serve all. 
One: May God be with you. 
All: And also with you. 
One: Amen. 
All: Amen. 

Instrumental Postlude