Spiritual Formation
Join us for Adult Spiritual Formation by Zoom at 9:00 am or show up in the Shadow Rock Multipurpose Room! This morning marks a return to our fall series "Wading into Theology." Today's theme is pneumatology, the study of Spirit, especially the Spirit as enlivener. Everyone is welcome - come prepared to experience and evolve!
Greeting and Announcements
No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!
Get ready to share celebrations and prayer requests. Zoom worshipers can use the chat function anytime. All congregants can text Pastor Ken at 480-263-3308. In-person worshipers can also write a card with their celebration or prayer concern.
For All Things Shadow Rock, check out our weekly e-newsletter, Rock the Week. If you're not getting Rock the Week, email the church staff to subscribe.
Invitation to Worship
One: Enlivening Spirit, Ancient of Days, all our years belong to you.
All: Our endings are often your beginnings. Our dreamings are often your realities.
One: You affirm our past and give life to our future.
All: We marvel at life and strive to know its ways! May our time together further our quest for wisdom and truth.
One: Wondrous indeed is life, both individually and in community. We marvel, and we give thanks.
Singing Our Faith - Companions on a Journey
Meditation - Letting the Water Go Clear
Prayer for Opening and Closing
Closing our meditation time and moving into worship
Celebrations and Prayer Concerns
Celebration Song