Hybrid Worship
31 October 2021
Good Morning - Welcome to Hybrid Worship!

We're continuing with a single service at 10:15 am, in the sanctuary, on Zoom, and streaming live to YouTube. Our Covenant talks about being "intentionally pointed toward the future." Using technology to share our core values is part of that!

Whether you are getting ready to come to the campus or you're preparing to participate online, you are loved.
We Covenant One With Another
Spiritual Formation
Join us for Adult Spiritual Formation by Zoom at 9:00 am or show up in the Shadow Rock Multipurpose Room! It's the last week of our fall series "Wading into Theology." Today's theme is the Trinity, "the experiential shape of God." Everyone is welcome - come prepared to experience and evolve!


Greeting and Announcements
No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!

Get ready to share celebrations and prayer requests. Zoom worshipers can use the chat function anytime. All congregants can text Pastor Ken at 480-263-3308. In-person worshipers can also write a card with their celebration or prayer concern.

For All Things Shadow Rock, check out our weekly e-newsletter, Rock the Week. If you're not getting Rock the Week, email the church staff to subscribe.

Invitation to Worship
One: Let there be joy in our coming together this morning. Let there be silence for the voice within us and beyond us. Let there be joy in our coming together.
All: Through this celebration and worship, we briefly leave our daily pattern to examine life in its eternal dimensions and consequences. 
One: We open a space for asking questions about our values, our directions, our goals, and our relationships.
All: Let us spend this time in the presentness of the Sacred. Praise be for this gathered community, this sacred place, this beloved people.

Singing Our Faith - For All the Saints

The central mystery of presence and absence

Prayer for Opening and Closing
Closing our meditation time and moving into worship

Celebrations and Prayer Concerns

Celebration Song - We Sing a Song of the Saints of God
Perceiving and Responding
Pastoral Prayer

Prayer Response - Those Who Wait on the Lord

Stewardship Moment and Offertory
Thank you for your faithful support for Shadow Rock's ministries of care. Our ultimate stewardship is our care for each other.
Balancing Word and Deed
Word About Life for Today - Rev. Ken Heintzelman

On All Saints' Day, it is not just the saints of the church that we should remember in our prayers, but all the foolish ones and wise ones, the shy ones and overbearing ones, the broken ones and whole ones, the despots and tosspots and crackpots of our lives who, one way or another, have been our particular fathers and mothers and saints, and whom we loved without knowing we loved them and by whom we were helped to whatever little we may have, or ever hope to have, of some kind of seedy sainthood of our own.   
-Frederick Buechner   

Sending Forth
One: May we be blessed with saints to tell us stories, to show us new possibilities for our lives, to surprise us with friendship along the way.
All: May we be blessed with their strength, joy, and courage all the length and breadth of our nights and days.
One: These are the times!
All: We are the people!
One: All of creation is blessed. 
All: May we love all and serve all. 
One: May God be with you. 
All: And also with you. 
One: Amen. 
All: Amen. 

Instrumental Postlude