Hybrid Worship
5 September 2021
Good Morning - Welcome to Hybrid Worship!

We're continuing with a single service at 10:15 am, in the sanctuary, on Zoom, and streaming live to YouTube. If you're curious about our efforts to continue, expand, and improve online worship, check out our grant application narrative here. We're grateful that financial support from the Southwest Conference will support new technology purchases used for hybrid church.

Whether you are getting ready to come to the campus or you're preparing to participate online, you are loved!
We Covenant One With Another
Spiritual Formation
Spiritual Formation (adult Sunday School) returns next week, September 12 at 9 o'clock in the Multipurpose Room and on Zoom! Our topic for September and October is "Wading Into Theology," informed by Elizabeth Johnson's Quest for the Living God. Everyone is welcome.


Greeting and Announcements
No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!

Get ready to share celebrations and prayer requests. Zoom worshippers can unmute and share when invited to do so or use the chat function anytime. All congregants can text Pastor Ken at 480-263-3308. In-person worshippers can also write a card with their celebration or prayer concern.

For All Things Shadow Rock, check out our weekly e-newsletter, Rock the Week. If you're not getting Rock the Week, email the church staff to subscribe.


Musical Call to Worship - "It's the Work of Many Hands"

Opening Prayer

Meditation - Gratitude for Work and Rest
We are co-creators with the Source of Life and Love.
We follow in the steps of our ancestors, united with the universe and all people of goodwill.
We recognize our personal gifts, entrusted to us to make our work and purpose possible.
We are grateful for everyday even mundane tasks and all the embodied ways we experience life’s struggles and joys.
In the silence, we remember with grace all the jobs and tasks we’ve done through our lives.
We are co-creators with the Source of Life and Love.

Celebrations and Prayer Concerns

Celebration Song - "Celebrate / Be True"
Perceiving and Responding
Pastoral Prayer

Prayer Response
"Those Who Wait on the Lord"

Stewardship Moment and Offertory
Thank you for your faithful support for Shadow Rock's ministries of care. Our ultimate stewardship is our care for each other.
Balancing Word and Deed
Word About Life for Today ~ Ken Heintzelman


Communion Prayer
Spirit of Life and Love, as we anticipate the taking of this 
bread and cup, we give thanks for all the influences in 
our lives that have helped us see beyond the present 
and have called us to live in hope and trust whatever 
losses and endings we have experienced. We give 
thanks for the Spirit of New Life active in our lives and 
active in the world as it was in the life of Jesus of 
Nazareth. Amen.

Sending Forth
One: Our time of celebration in this place is now coming to an end. For it is merely a resting place, a place of transit, where we, together with God, can pause before taking to the road again.
All: May we fall in love with life. Let us wrestle with the chaos and the pain within us and within the world.
One: Join the celebration of life, dance with the angels and the clowns. Embrace the God who is continually making all things new as a partner for bringing peace and justice in the world. These are the times!
All: We are the people!
One: All of Creation is blessed!
All: May we love all and serve all!
One: God be with you. 
All: And also with you.
One: Amen.
All: Amen.

Sending Forth - "It's the Work of Many Hands"
