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Traditional Order of Worship, Aug. 25

10 a.m. Traditional Worship

Gathering Music

"I Found It!" - Don Wyrtzen

Chris Tolliver, piano

Greeting & Call to Worship

Linda Bambini, liturgist


"Mighty Fortress" - Arr. J. Brickman

Chris Tolliver, piano

Ministry Moment

Camp Sunday

*Congregational Hymn

"When Morning Gilds the Skies" - #185

(Please see the words on the screen.)

*The Apostles Creed #881 (traditional)

Children's Moment

Aimee Keith, Children's Minister

Prayers of the People

The Lord's Prayer

Scripture Reading: Hebrews 10:19-25

Julie Gilliam, lay reader


"Jesu" - Arr. J. Brickman

Chris Tolliver, piano

*Doxology #94

(An in-person offering will be collected on Sunday by our ushers, or if you prefer, you may give online by clicking here.)

*Offertory Prayer

Choir Anthem

"Put Your Hand in the Hand" - arr. Al Cobine

Settle Memorial Sanctuary Choir

Sermon: "Lifting Each Other Up"

The Rev. Mark Dickinson, Settle Memorial senior pastor

Sermon Outline: To download a printable sermon outline, click here.

“Two people can accomplish more than twice as much as one; they get better return for their labor. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But people who are alone when they fall are in real trouble. A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated. But two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” - Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Find someone who ________________________________ your character

“As iron sharpens iron, a friend sharpens a friend.” - Proverbs 27:17

Find someone who _____________________ your soul.

“Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.”- James 5:16

Find someone who ______________________________ you in the journey.

“Think of ways to encourage one another to outburst of love and good deeds.” - Hebrews 10:24

*Congregational Hymn

"O How I Love Jesus" - #170

 (Please see words on screen.)



"Serenade" - J. Haydn

Chris Tolliver, piano

*Please stand as you are able.

Children: Children of all ages are always welcome to attend worship service with their family. Settle also provides a nursery for ages 0-3 starting at the 9 a.m. Sunday School hour and running through the conclusion of both worship services. For children preschool-Grade 5, Settle offers Sunday School at 9 a.m. in the Education Building, and for preschool-Grade 2, we also offer children's church, where children sit with their parents at the beginning of worship and exit worship as a group after our children's message. Drop off/pickup for all children's activities are in the Education Building.

Please Complete Settle's Small Group Survey 2024 by this Sunday, Aug. 25

At Settle Memorial UMC, discipleship is an important part of our ministry. We are always looking for ways to provide our congregation opportunities to grow in their faith. John Wesley, founder of the Methodist movement, believed in the “power of method” in study and discipleship so much that he started “Holy Clubs” that were designed for Bible study, prayer, and accountability in the faith. The Discipleship Team at Settle would like to provide you the same opportunity as we move forward in ministry. We would like to challenge you to go deeper in your faith by being a part of a small group. 

Please pick up a survey in the back of our worship spaces on Sunday and help us consider which options would work best. (You also may download & print the survey by clicking here.) Surveys are due back to the church office or may be placed in the offering plate by this Sunday, Aug. 25. These groups will start after Labor Day.

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To see the agenda for this meeting, click here.

To review the results of our church survey, click here.

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Anyone who can volunteer with this event

should meet at the ROC that evening at 5:30 p.m.

Questions? Call the church office or e-mail

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Bible In a Year Study Concludes This Week

We conclude our churchwide Bible study to read through the Bible in a Year.

This week's readings (Aug. 25-31). Click on Scriptures to read online:

Congratulations! This is the final list to complete reading through the Bible in a year!

Download Settle's App for Your Phone!

Our new app makes finding news, worship information & upcoming events easier than ever! Click one of the links below to download the Settle app to your phone or tablet!

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Download for Apple Devices
Download on GooglePlay

Welcome, Guests!

If you are new to Settle, we welcome you! Please take a moment to tell us more about yourself, and let us know what questions we can answer. After you complete the questionnaire, a small gift will arrive in your inbox later in the week.

Click Here to Tell Us More
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P.O. Box 1756
Owensboro, KY 42302
Phone Number: +1 270-684-4226

Send Your Prayer Requests