Epiphany Sunday - 10 a.m. Traditional Worship
Gathering Music
"The Lord Is My Shepherd" - Arr. Don Wyrtzen
Chris Tolliver, piano
Greeting & Call to Worship
"Now We Thank We All Our God" - Arr. Lloyd Larson
Chris Tolliver, piano
*Congregational Hymn
"We Three Kings" - #254, vss. 1,2
(Please see the words on the screen.)
Prayers of the People
The Lord's Prayer
"Still, Still, Still" - arr. Anderson
Piano duet: Donna Hutchinson and Pat Schmied
*Doxology #94
(An in-person offering will be collected on Sunday by our ushers, or if you prefer, you may give online by clicking here.)
*Offertory Prayer
Sermon: "Getting a Grip on Your Life"
The Rev. Mark Dickinson, Settle Memorial senior pastor
Sermon Outline: To download a sermon outline, click here.
“Everything that happens in this world happens at the time God chooses. He sets the time for birth and the time for death, the time for planting and the time for pulling up, the time for killing and the time for healing, the time for tearing down and the time for building. He sets the time for sorrow and the time for joy, the time for mourning and the time for dancing, the time for making love and the time for not making love, the time for kissing and the time for not kissing. He sets the time for finding and the time for losing, the time for saving and the time for throwing away, the time for tearing and the time for mending, the time for silence and the time for talk. He sets the time for love and the time for hate,
the time for war and the time for peace. What do we gain from all our work? I know the heavy burdens that God has laid on us. He has set the right time for everything. He has given us a desire to know the future, but never gives us the satisfaction of fully understanding what he does. So, I realized that all we can do is be happy and do the best we can while we are still alive. All of us should eat and drink and enjoy what we have worked for. It is God's gift. I know that everything God does will last forever. You can't add anything to it or take anything away from it. And one thing God does is to make us stand in awe of him.” - Ecclesiastes 3:1-14
Invitation to Communion
(Please see words on the screen.)
The Great Thanksgiving
(Please see words on the screen.)
Distribution of Elements (Gluten-free elements are available. Please note that the pre-packaged gluten-free elements have a square wafer.)
Music During Communion
"Greensleeves" - arr. Egorov
Rebecca Volk, oboe
Prayer After Communion
*Congregational Hymn
"Angels from the Realms of Glory" - #220, vss. 1,2
(Please see words on screen.)
"To God Be the Glory" - Wm. Doane, arr. Larson
Chris Tolliver, organ
*Please stand as you are able.
Children: Children of all ages are always welcome to attend worship service with their family. Settle also provides a nursery for ages 0-3 starting at the 9 a.m. Sunday School hour and running through the conclusion of both worship services. For children preschool-Grade 5, Settle offers Sunday School at 9 a.m. in the Education Building, and for preschool-Grade 2, we also offer children's church, where children sit with their parents at the beginning of worship and exit worship as a group after our children's message. Drop off/pickup for all children's activities are in the Education Building.