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All mothers should please pick up a small gift in the back of our worship spaces after services!

Traditional Order of Worship, May 12

10 a.m. Traditional Worship

Gathering Music

"Higher Ground" - Gabriel/arr. Pethel

Chris Tolliver, piano

Greeting & Call to Worship

Bill Mallonee, liturgist


"Bouree" - Standford/arr. Callahan

Chris Tolliver, organ

*Congregational Hymn

"For the Beauty of the Earth" - #92, vss. 1,2,4

(Please see the words on the screen.)

*The Apostles Creed #881 (traditional)

Children's Moment

Aimee Keith, Children's Minister

Prayers of the People

The Lord's Prayer

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 3:1-18

Kellye Nading, lay reader


"Near to the Heart of God" - Mcaffee/arr. Pethel

Chris Tolliver, piano

*Doxology #94

(An in-person offering will be collected on Sunday by our ushers, or if you prefer, you may give online by clicking here.)

*Offertory Prayer

Choir Anthem

"Gonna Ride Up In That Chariot"

Settle Memorial Sanctuary Choir

Sermon: "A Foundation for a Strong Family"

The Rev. Mark Dickinson, Settle Memorial senior pastor

Sermon Outline: To view a printable sermon outline, click here.

“You shall have no other gods before me.” - Exodus 20:2

The foundation for a strong family is to ______________.

“In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.” - Proverbs 3:6

For Family and Life …

Put God first in your ________________________.

“Talk with each other about the Lord.” - Ephesians 5:19

Put God first in your _______________________________________.

“… what a person really likes is shown by the kinds of friends they choose.” - Proverbs 27:19

Put God first in your _______________________________.

“The purpose of tithing is to teach you to put God first in your lives.”- Deuteronomy 14:23

Put God first in your ______________________________.

“Make the best use of your time … grasp firmly what you know to be the will of the Lord.” - Ephesians 5:16-17

*Congregational Hymn

"The Gift of Love" - #408

(Please see words on screen.)



"Te Deum" - Charpentier/arr. Callahan

Chris Tolliver, organ

*Please stand as you are able.

Children: Children of all ages are always welcome to attend worship service with their family. Settle also provides a nursery for ages 0-3 starting at the 9 a.m. Sunday School hour and running through the conclusion of both worship services. For children preschool-Grade 5, Settle offers Sunday School at 9 a.m. in the Education Building, and for preschool-Grade 2, we also offer children's church, where children sit with their parents at the beginning of worship and exit worship as a group after our children's message. Drop off/pickup for all children's activities are in the Education Building.

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This Week's Bible Study Readings

We continue our churchwide Bible study to read through the Bible in a Year.

This week's readings (May 12-18). Click on Scriptures to read online:


You also can download a monthly printable schedule by clicking here, or you can pick one up in our worship spaces.

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Our new app makes finding news, worship information & upcoming events easier than ever! Click one of the links below to download the Settle app to your phone or tablet!

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Welcome, Guests!

If you are new to Settle, we welcome you! Please take a moment to tell us more about yourself, and let us know what questions we can answer. After you complete the questionnaire, a small gift will arrive in your inbox later in the week.

Click Here to Tell Us More
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P.O. Box 1756
Owensboro, KY 42302
Phone Number: +1 270-684-4226

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