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Worship for Sunday, May 19

10 a.m. Youth Sunday Combined Worship

Gathering Music

"Joyful" - arr. Brickman

Chris Tolliver

Greeting & Call to Worship

Addison Edge


"Perpetual Motion" - Suzuki

Levi Pryor

Today's acolyte: Noah Turner

*Congregational Worship

"Goodness of God" - led by Rachel Kurz

(Please see the words on the screen.)

Prayers of the People - Nolan Hardesty

The Lord's Prayer - Ethan Lippert

Children's Moment

Given by Kenessen Schmied, Lillian Connor, and Kinsley Hamilton

Introduction of Confirmation Class & Prayers for the Class

Rev. Mark Dickinson, senior pastor, & Rev. Cindy Palacios, associate pastor

Affirmation of Faith

*The Apostles Creed #881 (traditional)

Led by our Confirmands: Kinsley Hamilton, Ethan Lippert, Carson Owen, Kenessen Schmied, & Noah Turner


Ushers: Grant Connor, Jamie Head, Mark Whitaker, Carson Owen, Terrance Meyer

*Doxology #94

Led by Haley Edge

(An in-person offering will be collected on Sunday by our ushers, or if you prefer, you may give online by clicking here.)

*Offertory Prayer

Emmie Broerman

Senior Message

Jenna Luckett

Youth Happenings

Grayson Turner

Senior Message

Jacob Coleman

Scripture Reading: Psalm 34:1-8

Kaylynn Meyer

Senior Message

Ellie Watson

Senior Slideshow & Recognition

Rev. Mark Dickinson, senior pastor

Robert Meythaler Scholarship Presentation

Alex Gonzo

*Congregational Hymn

"Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" - #400

Led by Rebecca Volk, Settle music director

 (Please see words on screen.)


The Rev. Mark Dickinson, senior pastor


"Amazing Grace"

Lucy Whitaker

*Please stand as you are able.

Children: Children of all ages are always welcome to attend worship service with their family. Settle also provides a nursery for ages 0-3 starting at the 9 a.m. Sunday School hour and running through the conclusion of both worship services. For children preschool-Grade 5, Settle offers Sunday School at 9 a.m. in the Education Building, and for preschool-Grade 2, we also offer children's church, where children sit with their parents at the beginning of worship and exit worship as a group after our children's message. Drop off/pickup for all children's activities are in the Education Building.

Congratulations to our Confirmands!

Congratulations to our confirmation class, whose members are joining the church on Sunday morning, May 19! We praise God for each of you and for His work in your lives!

Settle's new members are:

  • Kinsley Hamilton
  • Ethan Lippert
  • Carson Owen
  • Kenessen Schmied
  • Noah Turner
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Congratulations to Our Graduates!

On this Youth Sunday, we will celebrate with our high school graduates and their families! We pray that our Lord will continue to guide your lives.

Our graduates this year are:

  • Jacob Coleman, son of Jim & Tami Coleman, Owensboro High School
  • Ethan Keller, son of Eric & Natalie Keller, Penn Foster High School
  • Jeanna Luckett, daughter of Mark & Stephanie Luckett, Owensboro High School
  • Ellie Watson, daughter of Ann Watson and Drew Watson, Owensboro High School
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This Week's Bible Study Readings

We continue our churchwide Bible study to read through the Bible in a Year.

This week's readings (May 19-25). Click on Scriptures to read online:

You also can download a monthly printable schedule by clicking here, or you can pick one up in our worship spaces.

Download Settle's App for Your Phone!

Our new app makes finding news, worship information & upcoming events easier than ever! Click one of the links below to download the Settle app to your phone or tablet!

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Welcome, Guests!

If you are new to Settle, we welcome you! Please take a moment to tell us more about yourself, and let us know what questions we can answer. After you complete the questionnaire, a small gift will arrive in your inbox later in the week.

Click Here to Tell Us More
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P.O. Box 1756
Owensboro, KY 42302
Phone Number: +1 270-684-4226

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