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Traditional Order of Worship, Nov.10

10 a.m. Traditional Worship

Gathering Music

"It Could Happen In a Moment" - Joe Parks

Chris Tolliver, piano

Greeting & Call to Worship

Bill Mallonee, liturgist


"Power of the Word"

Chris Tolliver, organ

*Congregational Hymn

"The Church's One Foundation" - #545, vss. 1,4,5

(Please see words on the screen.)

*The Apostles Creed #881 (traditional)

Ministry Moment

Janet Land, Preschool Director

Music Ministry

Settle Memorial Preschool students

Children's Moment

Aimee Keith, Children's Minister

Prayers of the People

The Lord's Prayer

Scripture Reading: Acts 2:42-47

Mary Moore, lay reader


"We Will Give Thanks" - Mark Patterson

Settle Memorial Sanctuary Choir

*Doxology #94

(An in-person offering will be collected on Sunday by our ushers, or if you prefer, you may give online by clicking here.)

*Offertory Prayer

Sermon: "Being a Part of the Family"

The Rev. Mark Dickinson, Settle Memorial senior pastor

Sermon Outline: To download a printable sermon outline, click here.

“God is the one who made all things, and all things are for his glory. He wanted to have many children to share his glory … ” - Hebrews 2:10

“His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ.” - Ephesians 1:5

“We love because God first loved us. If we say we love God, but hate others, we are liars. For we cannot love God, whom we have not seen, if we do not love others, whom we have seen. The command that Christ has given us is this: whoever loves God must love others.” - 1 John 4:19-21

Fellowship in God’s Family

We can _______________________.

“In Christ we who are many form one body and each member belongs to all the others.” - Romans 12:5

We can _______________________.

“All the believers met together constantly and shared everything with each other.” - Acts 2:44

We can _______________________.

“The whole body is fitted together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” - Ephesians 4:16

We can _______________________.

“Be devoted to each other like a loving family.”- Romans 12:10

“We know what real love is because Christ gave up his life for us. And so, we also ought to give up our lives for our Christian brothers and sisters.” - 1 John 3:16

*Congregational Hymn

"In Christ There Is No East or West" - #548

(Please see words on the screen.)



"Joyous Morning" - Gerald Peterson

Chris Tolliver, organ

*Please stand as you are able.

Children: Children of all ages are always welcome to attend worship service with their family. Settle also provides a nursery for ages 0-3 starting at the 9 a.m. Sunday School hour and running through the conclusion of both worship services. For children preschool-Grade 5, Settle offers Sunday School at 9 a.m. in the Education Building, and for preschool-Grade 2, we also offer children's church, where children sit with their parents at the beginning of worship and exit worship as a group after our children's message. Drop off/pickup for all children's activities are in the Education Building.

Year-to-Date Giving Statements

Year-to-date Settle giving statements will be available this Sunday at the Welcome Desk. Please stop by the desk before or after worship and pick yours up.

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Churchwide Bible Study Readings

Readings for the week of Nov. 10-16 are below. Please note that you may click on the Scripture to be directed to an online version.

This week's memory verse: Mark 15:39

If you need a print version, you may pick up the monthly reading list in the back of our worship spaces on Sundays or download and print it by clicking here.

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Welcome, Guests!

If you are new to Settle, we welcome you! Please take a moment to tell us more about yourself, and let us know what questions we can answer. After you complete the questionnaire, a small gift will arrive in your inbox later in the week.

Click Here to Tell Us More
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P.O. Box 1756
Owensboro, KY 42302
Phone Number: +1 270-684-4226

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