10 a.m. Traditional Worship
Gathering Music
"There Shall Be Showers of Blessings" - James McGranahan
Chris Tolliver, piano
Greeting & Call to Worship
"Come, You Thankful People, Come" - David Paxton
Chris Tolliver, piano
*Congregational Hymn
"We Gather Together" - #131
(Please see the words on the screen.)
Prayers of the People
The Lord's Prayer
"When There's Love at Home" - Roger C. Wilson
Chris Tolliver, organ
*Doxology #94
(An in-person offering will be collected on Sunday by our ushers, or if you prefer, you may give online by clicking here.)
*Offertory Prayer
Sermon: "The Great Thanksgiving" - Psalm 100
The Rev. Jim Keegan, retired pastor
Invitation to Communion
(Please see words on the screen.)
The Great Thanksgiving
(Please see words on the screen.)
Distribution of Elements (Gluten-free elements are available. Please note that the pre-packaged gluten-free elements have a square wafer.)
Music During Communion
"Come to the Table"
Settle Memorial Sanctuary Choir
Prayer After Communion
*Congregational Hymn
"Just As I Am, Without One Plea" - #357, vss. 1,2,6
(Please see words on screen.)
"Let There Be Peace on Earth" - Miller/Jackson
Chris Tolliver, organ
*Please stand as you are able.
Children: Children of all ages are always welcome to attend worship service with their family. Settle also provides a nursery for ages 0-3 starting at the 9 a.m. Sunday School hour and running through the conclusion of both worship services. For children preschool-Grade 5, Settle offers Sunday School at 9 a.m. in the Education Building, and for preschool-Grade 2, we also offer children's church, where children sit with their parents at the beginning of worship and exit worship as a group after our children's message. Drop off/pickup for all children's activities are in the Education Building.