Kerri Cassel,  CGA Law Firm Office Administrator
Red Cross Blood Drive Program Leader

CGA Law Firm is proud to hold blood drives every 6 months, in May and November, in partnership with the Red Cross. We know that every donation we secure for the Red Cross has the potential to save three lives. Our next drive is coming up on May 22 and we still have 29 open appointment slots to fill! Will you help us save lives?

Your blood donation is important. The Red Cross must collect 14,000 units of blood each day because that blood is needed to help millions of patients all across the country.

CGA Law Firm is proud to partner with the American Red Cross and be a part of all they do for our community, our country and around the world. Our blood drive is important to patients in need, but the collection and distribution of blood is just a small part of all the Red Cross does. 

* Every 60 seconds, 44 people in America are assisted by the American Red Cross.
* 15,500 people every day receive lifesaving Red Cross health and safety training.
* 1,000 times a day the Red Cross provides services to military members, their families, and veterans.
* 190 times a day Red Cross workers help families affected by a home fire or disaster.

There are many ways you can help, but most importantly we hope you will come out to donate. If you are unable to give blood, please consider helping us to spread the work by promoting our drive on social media.

Sign up to save lives on May 22. Then add Life Saver to your list of truly great accomplishments!