Three Ultra Compact Strain Wave Gear Mounts!

Today’s on the go society is traveling to more places than ever before. This trend especially applies to the amateur astronomer as they seek to observe astronomical events, darker skies and interesting landscapes to accent their images. iOptron has responded to this need with a full line of ultra compact portable Go To mounts. In fact they offer 3 distinct models to serve this need, the HEM15, HAE16C and The HAE18C.

All 3 mounts utilize an RA Strain Wave Gear drive to eliminate the need to use heavy counter weights or cumbersome shafts. Each RA SWG is equipped with a unique electronic power cut off brake to secure your valuable instrument in place during those un expected events. All have power inputs located in a stationary position to eliminate chord wrapping, Wi-Fi for control without cables and rugged CNC machined metal chassis. For convenience all have a 3/8” receptacle to easily mount directly to most tripods. Adding to the “on the go” theme all come with a nifty case. These are just a few of shared characteristics of this trio; let’s get onto some of the differences.

HEM15 is a hybrid gear mount with a SWG utilized on the RA axis and a worm gear on the dec. Hybrids were designed with the idea of keeping costs and the weight down. It also has a more traditional equatorial design offering usable latitude range of 15-65 degrees that helps reduce the overall weight. It also comes with a Go2Nova®handset capable of locating and directing the mount and Wi-Fi or USB port for computer, tablet or phone control. With a max payload of 18lbs and weighing at only 5.5lbs it has the greatest mount weight to payload ratio of the 3 (3.27). 

HAE16C also a hybrid gear design, however the main control board is now located inside the mount head, this enables the user to control the mount without the use of a handset (by phone, tablet or computer). Other differences include, the HAE16C is a dual mode mount capable of both equatorial and alt-az GoTo and tracking. This gives the mount the ability to operate at all latitudes and simplify set-up when in the alt-az mode. It also has 2 mount control USB ports, one on the rear of the mount (that is stationary) and one on the saddle for pi based and other control devices.

HAE18C Has all of the features and characteristics of the HAE16C, however it is a pure strain wave gear design with SWG on both the RA and DEC axes. The DEC axis SWG makes the system more flexible when it comes to where it’s mass sits relative to the center of the DEC axis. It’s especially beneficial when using longer and larger scopes.

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