Year #10 is coming to a close, and we thought it would be fun to reflect on the ten goals we made for ourselves at the beginning of 2022.

We hit some goals, knocked some out of the park, and are still working on a few.

All of this was made possible because of YOU! Each of you has helped us strengthen the fabric of our community in one way or another, and we are grateful!

Warm Regards,



GOAL 1: Launch New Projects with New Partners

OUTCOME: We launched not one but TWO brand-new projects in 2022 with a combined investment commitment of over $1.8 Million. Learn more about each by clicking links below:

Juan Nevarez Memorial Scholarship Fund: A Vineyard Team Initiative

21st Century Crisis Call Center with Transitions Mental Health Association (TMHA)

GOAL 2: See You In Person

OUTCOME: We did it! Austin Hope Golf Tournament, Donor Appreciation BBQ at Peachy Canyon Winery, VISION event for our visionary donors at Law Estate Wines, and a few other gatherings! We LOVE seeing you all in person and can't wait for more of it in 2023.

GOAL 3: Raise $2M at PURPOSE

OUTCOME: We capitalized on the momentum and energy from our inaugural event and hosted yet another record-breaking fundraiser, raising $2.5M at PURPOSE in 2022. We are planning and strategizing for 2023... stay tuned on what's to come!

GOAL 4: Increase Our Outreach with Non-Profit Organizations

OUTCOME: We had big plans to go live with an outreach campaign this fall. We made a strategic decision to hold off. We wanted to be sure our non-profit friends weren't burdened at year-end with more to think about and more to do. The countdown is on... On January 16th, we go live with the new campaign, and we can't wait to share our "out of the box" plan with you!

GOAL 5: Grow Community Giving by 9%

OUTCOME: We are so close to achieving this goal! We have about $35K needed to make this happen.

We don't get to count our PURPOSE event in this; instead, this is true to form, community giving, straight from the heart. How do we do this? We rely on YOU. Whether it is a personal monthly gift, a transactional business model, or giving through your donor-advised fund, it all adds up, and 100% goes directly to our projects!

GOAL 6: Raise $1M Toward Our Endowment

OUTCOME: Didn't happen. We ran out of time and manpower to launch this campaign, so we will roll this goal on over to 2023! The endowment, once funded, will ensure MUST! Charities continues to serve this community for many years to come, allowing 100% of your dollars to go to work. Would you be interested in learning more? If so, send me an email or call me at 805.226.5788. Don't be shy.

GOAL 7: Impact Report

OUTCOME: Our favorite quote from January 2022 "We will absolutely get the Impact Report out in the Spring, a tad earlier than most years" (insert laughing emoji). This year between logo changes, and paper shortages (yes that was a real thing) it was ready in June (is June still Spring?), but printed and shipped in September. It was gorgeous and some say worth the wait, but the timing still wasn't good enough for us! We will continue to strive to make this happen... 2023, here we come!

GOAL 8: Youth Board + Giving Model

OUTCOME: We launched a new form of giving called Peer to Peer FUNdraising. Think of it as leveling up our grass roots movement by putting our Youth Board in the driver's seat and empowering these future leaders & philanthropists to hit the pavement and spread the word. WOW! Our youth board showed up taking a $2,500 match challenge and blowing it up by raising over $9,000! Learn more about our youth board here.

GOAL 9: More Networking

OUTCOME: We have room to improve! We hosted a couple of roundtable discussions with community members to increase our awareness of the needs that people face daily, and we have plans to host many more in 2023. We believe the success of collaborative giving is more than just pooling our financial resources; it's about the collaboration of minds!

GOAL 10: Roll Out Our New Logo

OUTCOME: We talk about failing forward daily in our office; it's how we learn and grow. We rolled out a new logo in January of 2022... then we began to use the logo, and quickly took it back. Not only had we strayed too far from our original brand, but the new logo needed to work better in various collateral pieces. With the help of one of our longtime designer friends, we polished up our old logo, modernized it, and now we love it!

So that's it... our 10 goals for 2022 all wrapped up. We are proud and excited about what we have accomplished together and recognize our areas of needed growth. Thank YOU for investing in Must! Charities and allowing us to put 100% of your dollars to work in our community! Because of YOU, local non-profits and thousands of lives are positively impacted!

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