Community, we need your help!
We would appreciate your support in honoring our Veterans by sponsoring live wreaths to be placed on headstones in December for Wreaths Across America Day as we have done for the past 6 years. It is the Chamber’s goal to purchase a wreath for all SBC Veterans. We are partnering with the VFW to ensure we reach our goal of 670 live wreaths; one for each SBC Veteran. To reach our goal, we need our community’s support. We humbly as if you would you be willing to donate towards purchasing wreaths to honor SBC Veterans?
We would be honored to have your support and would gladly accept a donation towards wreaths for our SBC Veterans. Please let us know if you would like to partner with us in this great mission to honor those who gave so much for our country.
Wreath sponsorship: $15.00 each
The last day to sponsor wreaths is
November 25, 2022
Please make checks payable to:
San Benito County Chamber
Please drop off checks by 11/25/2022 at 3:00 pm:
San Benito County Chamber
243 Sixth Street Suite 100
Hollister, CA 95023